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I did not know that stun guns recorded data. So, what data are they storing?

6 Responses to “Interesting”

  1. Paul Kisling Says:

    The record nothing per se, but the serial number can be traced back to the original purchaser. Sounds like what we need is a pro-civil liberties reseller who purchases the cartridges and resells them while keeping shamefully inadequate customer records….

  2. Jailer Says:

    Date, time, temperature, video, number of stuns, duration of stun(s), serial number of cartridge inserted, battery level. Bout all I can remember right now. They can’t be erased by the user either. Video eventually gets overwritten from oldest to newest but they can store quite a bit before it does.

  3. Mike V. Says:

    Not all Tasers have video. All Taser cartridges have a unique serial number. The Taser doesn’t record the serial # of the cartridge but each one contains several tags with the serial # of the cartridge on them. Then the cartridge fires, the tags are propelled out and fall on the ground. Taser tracks all Tasers and cartridges sold to users whether they are civilian or law enforcement.

  4. John Says:

    I’ve heard that NYC-issued stun guns are able to record an individual’s BMI upon deployment. 😉

  5. Sigivald Says:

    It’s useful and sometimes important to distinguish between a TASER(tm) (fires electrified darts, needs to be reloaded) and a “stun gun” (contact-based high voltage stunner, works until the battery dies).

    The former are expensive as hell and IIRC often more tightly regulated than the latter (I only ever hear about actual TASERs being used by police), which are a moderately common (if vastly inferior to a firearm) self-defense tool.

  6. Patrick H Says:

    Probably how uppity the tazee was getting and how much contempt of cop was shown.

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