Archive for May, 2013

May 15, 2013

New DUI standard

So, back in high school, that was when MADD and SADD started pushing for DUI laws. And, it seemed, it was a noble purpose. This was back before those sorts of groups became ran by neo-prohibitionist busy bodies. The legal limit for blood alcohol was 0.1 or some such. Then, they changed it to 0.08. Now, they want to make it 0.05. Just random numbers, honestly. The new limit won’t do anything but result in the arrests of otherwise law-abiding. I have an idea, let’s make it illegal to kill people with your car. Novel, eh?

Fun with ammo cans

Heh. I should do that.

All about the money

Town suing ‘Robin Hoods” who put coins in parking meters

Like most things, breaking the law costs more. That’s on purpose.

Reasoned Discoursetm

So, there’s a “I’m a gun owner but” face book group. If you don’t agree, they don’t want to hear from you. Personally, I support reasonable gun control. It’s perfectly reasonable to pass a law saying that shooting people is against the law.

News you can use

How to leak info to the press. I thought for sure it would be “blame it on Bush”.

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Wishing gun owners’ kids dead

Folding and collapsible stock to make Dianne Feinstein cry twice.

Interesting. Too bad you can’t fire when it’s folded.


No way, he looks so responsible.

Teach them well

NSSF: Let No (Media) ‘Truth’ Go Unchallenged: We Should Introduce Safe Shooting to Youngsters

SAFE news

Update on the lawsuit against NY’s onerous gun laws.

Also, the state sheriff’s association has filed a brief against the bill.


TSA finds and takes a gun from someone at an airport who isn’t a threat any way. He forgot it was in his bag.

Magical Thinking

Tam puts the hurt on it:

Hopes are high that if this accomplice is captured, he’ll turn state’s witness and finger the gun that actually committed the crime.


Kevin Baker’s blog is 10. Been reading Kevin a long time and met him on a number of occasions. I’m proud to call him a friend. I mean, not a “friend” friend but, you know, someone I admire and respect.

Gun Porn

Cowboy Action Shooting Nerdboy Stuff

G36 conversion

And another

Mini-14 ranch rifle

May 13, 2013

Making the switch

I’m pondering ditching completely. First, I’ve always thought their ethics were questionable despite their don’t be evil nonsense. But now, it’s just creepy. I’m still a bit annoyed that they’re pulling Google Reader. So, the issue is that I used their product and have liked using it for years. I got accustomed to using it and it was convenient. And, now, they are pulling that product. So, what’s to say that they won’t just one day pull docs, drive, gmail, calendar and other items of theirs that I use and rely on? As to the reason why they’re pulling it, I’m guessing they’re really trying to ramp up Google Plus.

And, speaking of Google Plus, I got this notification that I had to sign up for Google Plus to look at youtube videos. I have no need for G+ and don’t use it. But the weird bit was I got an email from them that went something like this:

Dear Say Uncle,

We noticed that your fake internet name appears to be a fake internet name. Here’s why it may be fake so click here to tell us it’s not. Until then, we’re suspending your Google Plus account.

Well, good, I don’t use it anyway.

The trouble with ditching google is that it would be a colossal pain in butt. I’ve used gmail forever, their calendar forever and android phones forever. They’re kind of useful and, frankly, excellent services that have been tools I’ve used for years.

But google is seriously freaking me out.

So, I think it’s time we said good bye. Seriously, I may switch to an iPhone over this.

Open to suggestions?

Technology: Stop it before it kills someone

Is 3D printing of handguns really a big deal since you can go to the Home Depot and get what you need for a zip gun? Some sticks work too.

And, where Great Britain used to be, the press prints a gun and carries it on the train, no doubt breaking numerous UK laws on guns. And they also peed their pants a little.

And The Cribbage Guy made this cool board with Liberator parts on it.

ProTip: don’t shoot dogs

Police in CO are getting training on how to deal with dogs since, it seems, the cops have shot quite a lot of them. Three whole hours of online training should help!

Saddle up the drama llama, we’re going to fight on the internet!

Open carry myths and misconceptions.

Since I’ve not talked politics in while

Perhaps you’ve heard that the IRS went out and searched their database for non profits that had the words “patriot” and “tea party” in the name and then proceeded to harass them over their tax exempt status. The IRS has been used to harass political opponents before.

And then, the JD went out and secretly got phone records of reporters who were not parroting the talking points.

And the admin releases a completely redacted document on text snooping as part of a FOIA request.

And, also, who is this Benjamin Ghazi person that’s in the news now that the election is over?

So, yeah, all that happened.

Counting problem

Man arrested in NY for having a nine rounds in his magazine instead of the legally allowed seven.


7th graders can’t lawfully carry a gun. And it’s illegal to have one at a school.

Gun Porn

Purtie Shotty. I’d like to hear that said with a MA accent.

Some suppressed .45s

Colt Mustang XSP

May 12, 2013

Ammo shortage

Has police asking for ammo donations.

Other 3D printer stuff

Make a suppressor!

I’m guessing that’s all kinds of illegal in the US.

“You know what would help prevent gun owners from always being paranoid that gun control activists and politicians were after their guns? Not actually being after our guns. “

Confiscate, confiscate, confiscate.

Well, come and get them.

Another shoot out on tape

Here. Good to watch just see how it goes down. Graphic, you’ve been warned.

Mass shooting in NO

Looks like more the gangbanger variety than, you know, lone white guy type.

Make some Lego handguns

Here’s a book on how to

I was just cleaning it

Man accidentally shoots wife with harpoon

H&K’s backward bullets

The real story

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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