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Another shoot out on tape

Here. Good to watch just see how it goes down. Graphic, you’ve been warned.

6 Responses to “Another shoot out on tape”

  1. Hartley Says:

    Those cops are REALLY LUCKY that dude didn’t just start shooting right from the get-go. I can’t believe three of ’em just walked right by the car with him in it without looking inside. They also appear not have been watching before they moved in.

  2. Old NFO Says:

    +1 on Hartley… they ARE lucky!

  3. MrSatyre Says:

    Were those really cops? I don’t habla espanol, so I don’t understand why real cops didn’t take the gun away from where it fell near him when he went down, and why they seem to have simply left him there.

  4. paul B Says:

    SA was seriously lacking on that one.

  5. TigerStripe Says:

    Imagine that… The head shot “stopped” him. TS

  6. Brad Says:

    That was some close action. Yet it seems as if most rounds were wide of the mark, at least one hitting the dirt.

    Lesson? Focus training on 7 yards and less?

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