Archive for October, 2012

October 29, 2012

It’s my birthday

No blog for you.

October 28, 2012

Movie Review Haiku: The Avengers

Been called the greatest
Hero movie of all time
I agree. Hulk smash

Also, my daughter decided to do a “book review” of it. I think she nailed it (spoilers ahead, stop now):

And, also, that scene where Hulk whips Loki’s ass is one of the greatest ass-whipping scenes in cinematic history.

For my birthday, I got a stern talking to

My dad was not too happy with my post on me not voting. He sent me a birthday card with a flyer:

Heh. Mom just said she loved me.


Book donated to library was hollowed out and had a gun in it.

18-20 year old gun ban upheld

By the fifth circuit. Here’s an interesting bit:

It also said that the nation’s founders and 19th-century courts and commentators believed that disarming specific groups did not trample on the right to bear arms

Really? Like black people or Muslims?

“Senior news analyst”

At least she wasn’t searching for something embarrassing.

Kids and guns

And safe storage

Another Polymer Pistol Enters The Market

The Slovak Republic MK7

“I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States”

That’s the oath for Reps. I would think that would mean they’d know what the constitution says:

Texas Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (D-umbass) Actually Forgets the Second Amendment

The spirit of the bayonet

Psst, tell Obama they still use them.

Deal Alert

Up to 60% off Barska and Bushnell scopes

Communism and feminism

An interesting read: The furthest, most deepest front lines of this economic war between communism and freedom is where The Manosphere and feminism are duking it out..

A look at weapon lights

From Ron

Picture selection

Well, OK then


Obama shows photo ID to vote

I feel safer

Knowing that the .gov is cracking down on ginseng poachers.

You don’t own that

A look at the DMCA.

Gun control: More about the control, not so much the guns

Says Carolyn McCarthy (D-ranged):

We can’t just throw our hands up and say, “Criminals will always get guns.” That’s absurd

A day late

But it was gunblogger Saturday

Boomershoot report

And gratuitous product placement.

But I read on the internet that pocket guns aren’t accurate

Well, as accurate.

The TSA makes its case

Accept our abuse of power or die

Gun Porn


1911 CCG

Pics from Terrell

Leather and iron

Model 10

October 26, 2012

Musical Interlude

He’s Johnny Cash and you’re not. In an interview, Trent Reznor said of this version “that song isn’t mine anymore”. Classy and correct.



Might need more shirt. And go IWB.

October 25, 2012

Better case for voting

You could win a rifle

So I can sue the weatherman for the costs of a car wash?

In Italy, scientists were convicted for not predicting a deadly earthquake. So, scientists quit and will no longer advise the state.

Via Phelps, who notes GALILEO SHRUGS

Keep your booger hook off the bang switch

Especially while holstering.


Making your own RPD

Yo dawg, I heard you liked Darth Vader . . .

Very cool

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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