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Should guns be banned in hospitals?

Not by the .gov. Hospitals are free to post their own rules though.

13 Responses to “Should guns be banned in hospitals?”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    There are some Federal Hospitals out there, like the V.A. and the Public Health Service. But some of them have their own Police Forces, and they went to FLETC for training. But most Corporate-Owned Hospitals could just put up “Signs” and hire Private Security firms, which most of them do anyway. So the only reason these Antis want a LAW passed is so they can Fire any CCW holder that works for them and DARES to Carry.

  2. mikee Says:

    When my wife was an intern at an inner city hospital, a security guard there found his wife and her lover in the ER waiting room, and started firing his handgun at them. So remember that when Only Ones have guns, only they are the ones shooting people.

  3. comatus Says:

    Hospitals are usually managed by committees of physicians, who are (in this generation) the most simple-minded PSH devotees you’ll meet. This was not so in the AMA of 50 years ago. The good guys lost. It was a BFD.

    After liberty is restored even in universities, medicommunes will remain little islands of knee-jerk. That’s what those little rubber hammers are for.

  4. Stan Says:

    They are in Michigan

  5. armed_partisan Says:

    Did anybody see that movie “John Q”? The only person in that hospital that had a gun was the asshole who held everyone hostage while all the disarmed nincompoops inside lamented how easy it was to get a gun in America, despite the fact that none of them had one and might be killed at any moment.

  6. Jeffrey H Says:

    In Texas all the hospitals I have been too are posted .30-06 (which means no carry in them). I don’t think they are required to be, but they tend to be posted. They are one of the few places I have ever seen posted down here.

  7. Phenicks Says:

    In MO all are off limits. Clinics must post at all entrances.

  8. Divemedic Says:

    @Phenicks: But non compliance is not illegal in MO. All they can do if you are discovered is ask you to leave. What the hospitals in the posted link are looking for is the attachment of a criminal penalty for having an otherwise legal firearm on you.

    I don’t have a problem with any business posting that they don’t want firearms on their property. However, if they want the force of law to enforce their whims, then they should be held responsible for the safety of the people that they have disarmed.

  9. JDS Says:


  10. ben g Says:

    Here in GA, the Wellstar company posts a no guns allowed sign on the ER entrances to their hospitals. They don’t post it at any other access points though.

    The best part is that the signs reference a GA code section as banning firearms in “health care facilities” but, GA law has never said such a thing.

    I carry there anyway.

  11. Kirk Parker Says:

    The real “glitch bill” would be one to remove the mistaken banning of licensed carry in government meetings, schools, and at sporting events.

  12. Mike V. Says:

    Every one I know of in the Greater Knoxville area including the one in The City (your city) is posted off limits to permit holders.

  13. RC Says:

    In Colorado, government owned hospitals can only ban concealed carry if they put metal detectors and guards at every entrance. All state and below government buildings fall under that clause except jails and courthouses, I believe.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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