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Woolrich Elite Series Clothing

Some notes from Ry.

3 Responses to “Woolrich Elite Series Clothing”

  1. andy Says:

    I’m wearing Woolrich elite pants right now. They’re great and don’t look at mall ninja like some of the others out there.

  2. comatus Says:

    andy’s the first blog commenter this week I’ve heard admit to wearing pants. Not to take a side in this, I am wearing their socks.

    Woolrich has a very fine outlet store in their company town near Lock Haven PA, although their newer product lines do not originate there. Some readers may wish to know, they went into business weaving blankets for the Northern Aggressors. Good blankets, though. And it may work like Studebaker: through the attention of Jackson’s Dismounted, they became the prime supplier of wagons to both factions. Despite themselves.

  3. andy Says:

    I only wear pants because my employer pretty much requires it. If they removed a few lines from the employee handbook, I’d feel much more free at work.

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