Archive for November, 2011

November 28, 2011

But I thought the guns came from US gun shows or the ATF?

900 guns headed to Mexico, from Turkey.

When you want time to hit you in the face, listen to music

Tam feeling time go by because Achtung Baby is 20. The other day, I fumbled through the radio and hear Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit. It was on a classic rock station, followed by Welcome to the Jungle.

Two short

Anti-gunners may be two votes short in failing to stop HR822. This presumes Bryan Miller may know what he’s talking about, which I would bet against generally

Gun legislation in TN

The Tennessee Firearms Association is planning a big push for removing the requirement one have a permit to carry a gun, among other things. John is right that the Republicans paid lip-service to gun rights but, after the misnamed Year of the Gun, kind of ignored gun rights when it came to legislation.


But so cool

For a good cause

And you can win stuff to help Soldiers’ Angels.

No barreled shotgun

Pretty useless in any sort of realistic sense but it does bring up some interesting gun law questions.

Mainstreaming survivalism

Survival foods outlet reports jump in sales.

November 25, 2011

Day off

Talk amongst yourselves.

November 23, 2011

Not far enough

Needs to be a separate country: Illinois Republican wants to make Chicago area the 51st state

You think the cops’ pepper spray was bad

Wait until these idiots encounter a soccer mom hopped up on Starbuck’s at 5 in the morning looking for a good deal on a Lalaloopsy Silly Hair Doll:

Some demonstrators are planning to occupy retailers on Black Friday to protest “the business that are in the pockets of Wall Street.”

Where Great Britain Used To Be

More than one lime is a weapon because you can squirt citric acid into someone’s eye. And it’s flagged at the grocer? Wow.


Dewey Rods (I have one of their kits and it’s great) lost a contract with the Air Marshals. Despite policy dictating that they use folks that employ people in the US, they went with an importer.

Not that I ever wondered but . . .

I Shall Explain Paul Krugman. I could have done it in fewer words: hack.

Repelling invaders

Zetas in shoot out in Houston.

Do they think before they speak?

Or are they really on the other side.

Squeez Bacon

Uhm, no.


We all hate them. First, for me, it was snail mail. Then email. Then I started getting texts that were spam. The latest was last night when my Amazon App Store app on the phone said there were updates available. Clicked on it to update the WordPress for Android app. Immediately, the screen went to the WordPress app where it had generated a spam post in word press for me to publish. Something about we were at some market. In my haste to get the bug off the phone, I didn’t explore it as much as I should have. Anyone experience that?

Uhm, why?

I understand cracking down poor driving. But why the turkey costume?

Occupy with guns

Raising awareness of gun carrying. I’m surprised the press coverage seems mostly positive and not what I would expect the press to do. I expected them to use the violent tea partier narrative.

Another victim in the war on drugs

Looking for iodine? Too bad. Seems it’s going the way of decongestants because of the war on drugs. What you do instead of something.

Peaceable journey

Man traveling from Texas to Maine with guns in his car gets stopped in New Jersey. Sentenced to five years. I thought this sort of thing would be prevented by FOPA.

Pew Pew

Broward County sheriff dismantling gun shot detection system. Costs too much and led to only 4 arrests.

Speaking of guns in Mexico

Seems that Fast and Furious is a red herring and a republican political ploy. And we need more gun control. Or something. Well, the more I read, the only thing consistent with the operation is the more gun control part.

Guns in Mexico

US Government is the biggest supplier.

A job well done

Thank you, Breda.

Tactical Pants

Robb reviews the Woolrich Tactical Chinos. I’m a fan of my fighting trousers.


A round up.

And, hey, 86,000 calories for Christmas. I was into it up until the cheese wiz.

Colt Super Stoc

SI has a look


I am inherently skeptical of the coming ice age, err global warming, err climate change. It’s a little too convenient for social engineering for my tastes. And there’s been a few, uhm, questionable things coming out of the climate scientists. The climate is changing and it always has changed. If that makes sense to you, congrats, you’re reasonable. If your first thought is to call me a flat-earther or creationist or something, then you’re exactly what’s wrong with the climate change crowd. And then I’ll remove a catalytic converter from a car and burn a tire just to annoy you. But Climategate II – Longer, Harder, Uncut Emails.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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