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Meanwhile, in Tennessee

Our legislature is in the news for doing some, well, dumb things. Such as a bill that would prohibit talking about gay cooties in school.

Another bill that says it’s ok for employers to discriminate against you if you’re gay. Employers should be able to hire and fire whoever they choose, whenever the choose and for whatever reason they choose. But laws have been passed to protect certain groups. Seems silly to pass a law specifically targeting a group to say they’re not protected.

And, of course, an anti-Sharia law and a law looking at Tennessee creating its own currency. For emergencies, like when the dollar isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.

These are the things these small government Republicans are coming up with. Feh.

18 Responses to “Meanwhile, in Tennessee”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    Actually the bill about discriminating against fags is being pushed by churches and people who have a religious opposition to hiring qeers. You see currently if they do not hire a queer he she it can say oh I am being discriminated against because I am living an evolutionary dead end… Problem is the fags do not have to have any proof and the burden of proof is on the employer to show that he or she did not know they were queerbaits in the first place… Hypocrisy is bad enough in churches without them being forced to hire something that is against what the religious and moral values that the church teaches.

  2. polerin Says:

    Actually this trans dyke doesn’t want to work for a church thank you very much. Yknow what though? Even if the metro council were to pass a law saying that ALL employers have to not be discriminatory homophobes, it wouldn’t apply to churches. They are exempt under the first amendment. Not even the federal government can force that.

    All the Metro Council did was try to set it’s internal contracting policies, saying “We cannot contract with anyone who discriminates against our citizens on the basis of sexuality or gender expression.”

    That’s all. The Metro Council said “hey, if you want to work for us, you have to not be a discriminatory DOUCHEWAD.”

    You know what the TN house said? Here, I’ll spell it out for you:
    “It doesn’t matter if, because you are gay or trans, you can’t get a job or are fired. You have no legal recourse, AND you still have to pay the person who fired you with your taxes.”

    That’s messed up.

    I’m sorry if that’s a little difficult for your biased, fear-mongering, hateful self to grasp through the cloud of lies you’ve been swimming in. It doesn’t change the fact that you are sadly misinformed.

    Local trans dyke queer person up in your face

  3. John Smith. Says:

    It does apply to church run businesses that are not directly related to ministering to the congregation… Say a radio station for instance or a daycare,or a school….

    Local trans dyke queer person up in your face

    By the way that is the reason people hate you. Not because you are sickos but because you insist on forcing what you believe on everybody who disagrees with you.. You see I offend equally. You should try it some time. Notice how I put evolution and religion together even though they detest the other… Try thinking and not being a hothead.

  4. polerin Says:

    If you want to complain about my language or attitude, take a look at your own first. You’re the one calling people fags, swinging “queer” like it’s a club, and generally being a dehumanizing douche. You’ve got some guts complaining when you swing first and I fight back. And I will. I have a right to fight for my happiness, and my life.

    If you don’t get in my face like that, I won’t be in your face.

    Beyond that, no, the metro ordinance didn’t apply to church run businesses… unless they wanted to contract with metro government. Which at that point, they are making an agreement to serve the people of Metro Davidson County. Is it right for them to be able to refuse service to a citizen because they are trans or gay, while at the same time taking my tax money that I have no choice about giving?

    Local trans dyke queer sicko up in your face.

  5. Jake Says:

    John Smith: When you’re being deliberately offensive, don’t be surprised when someone treats you like the douchebag you are. Try using some common courtesy.

    In case that’s not clear enough for you: She’s not being a “hothead”, you’re being an ass.

    As for your “argument”: try substituting something like race for all of your insulting terms for anyone-not-gender-stereotyped-and-heterosexual and see how that looks – because it’s the same argument people tried to use to support racial discrimination back in the ’60s.

  6. John Smith. Says:

    You confuse race with choice Jake… I did not choose to be born Roma but I did choose to not be a thief…. Ask most anyone including yourself what the first thought is when you hear the word Gypsy?? Lets see.. Thief or Con artist? Which one is it… You know born thieves… Maybe you should spend about 700 years being discriminated against by every race, creed and sexual orientation and you will know the meaning of discrimination…. I am not talking this soft loving kind of discrimination that hurts with words. I am real balls to the wall brutality.. I laugh at people like the queer groups. As I remember recall they were accepted for centuries and only recently truly hated… My people have never and will never be accepted… You choose the wrong person to whine about race in the 60’s too much less fag rights.

  7. Jake Says:

    I did not choose to be born Roma

    And I did not choose to be gay.

    Maybe you should spend about 700 years being discriminated against by every race, creed and sexual orientation and you will know the meaning of discrimination

    I’d like to live that long – it might be interesting. But really? 700 years? Try over 1000 years (at least) of being put to death (often by torture) on discovery, as part of the “holy law” of at least 3 major worldwide religions. You should, perhaps, check your facts before dashing off your insults.

    But this “I’ve been hated longer than you” thing is nothing more than an irrelevant pissing match. Bigotry is bigotry, and discrimination is discrimination, and it’s wrong no matter how long it’s been going on. It also doesn’t address my actual point – your argument is just as wrong when used against homosexuals as it was when it was used against blacks, or Roma(s?), or Jews, or Hispanics, or any other racial group.

  8. ATLien Says:

    John do YOU have your passport from Douchebagland?

  9. John Smith. Says:

    The point is that discrimination for a lifestyle is different then a discrimination for being born a certain ethnic group… By the way alternative lifestyle is the term you gays placed on yourselves in the 80’s… Now it is all natural… Sort of like natural born thieves, murderers and pedos? Everything is natural sometime or the other… Since we are considering the golden age of homos try this. Sparta, Athens, and Rome… A good 2000-3000 years of anything goes… Sounds like the homos have had it good before now… Very good in fact… By the way ATLIEN Roma have no home… Why would I need a passport to California???

  10. divemedic Says:

    John is wrong. How does a person choose who they are sexually attracted to? Do some men choose to be attracted to fat girls? or women with large breasts? small breasts? Others are attracted to redheads, brunettes, and yes, some men are attracted to other men. So what?

    Are you afraid of them? Ask yourself where this hate comes from, and more importantly, ask yourself why you think you have the power to use the law to force them to deny what and who they are.

  11. John Smith. Says:

    So divemedic how often do you see fags having children… Biological children that have dna from both “fag parents” in them??? After all they are natural you say… Well I say natural reproduces… When a straight couple cannot reproduce that is considered unnatural and they go to fertility specialist because there is a possibility that they can have kids… Picture two fags going to the same fertility clinic and telling the doctor they want to have children naturally??? Would the doctor say oh since you are “naturally” homos this should not be a problem?? No he would laugh you out of the clinic and then tell his friends about these crazy queers that thought they could have children together… Being queer is an evolutionary dead end… You cannot have it both ways… Either you are naturally homos or you are not.. If you are natural why do you have children in a non homo way…. It is natural for you to have NO children.. That is natural because your bodies are not capable of even remotely producing children in a non hetero relationship…

    Evolution says you are a dead end unless you go straight.
    Religion says you are a dead end unless you repent.(ie go straight)

    Amazing that two totally different schools of thought always end up at the same answer when it comes to what is natural…

    By the way divemedic those who are hated in my culture are those you kill…. I do not kill them so I must not hate them… They annoy me like sand fleas.. You know there is something wrong put you cannot put your finger on it…
    The problem with american culture… It tries to tell you what you should think and what you should believe by using a mob mentality(ie no logical thought required).. Well at least until you call bullshit…

  12. John Smith. Says:

    My comment is awaiting censorship so you guys/gays may have to wait…

  13. Tina Says:

    Life for gay/lesbian folks has changed so much since I was a kid that it’s almost shocking to see the level of bigotry on display here by Mr. Smith. And, really, that’s a good thing. He’s an anachronism and I wish more like him would speak up.

    Folks like Mr. Smith are a reminder of where we’ve been in the distant past and why we continue to this day to not meekly ask for our seat at the societal/political table, but merely take our rightful place without flinching or apology.

    He certainly reminds me why I will not scurry away, just sit down in the corner and shut up, like a good little lesbian.

    Thank you, Mr. Smith. I appreciate the Fred Phelpses of the world, who you seem to have much kinship with. You make GLBT folks more sympathetic in our quest to those who would otherwise not pay attention or be against us. So, please…keep it up. And honestly, do it more in public. Maybe Mr. Phelps has an opening in his church for you. 🙂

  14. polerin Says:

    Actually evolution says that we are a biologically useful trait to have as non-breeding pairs often improve the overall well being of the group.

    But I won’t bother you with any of that science crap.

    Also, I know plenty of gay people with kids. Yes, ones that they had.

    Also, you’re being a royal douche to everyone around and then whining when we fight back.

    Also, that’s pretty sad.

    Also I like the word also.

    Local curse word insult slur slur insult up in your face

    PS: ATLein, asking a Roma for their passport? whoosh. Not cool.

    PPS: I don’t cosign the racism == homophobia argument, but for completely different reasons then John here. It’s not for me to take the suffering someone else has gone through as my own.

    PPPS: guys/gays? Really?

  15. Jake Says:

    polerin: My comment was intended merely to point out that the same argument has been made in both cases, and is equally wrong in both cases for the same reasons. I didn’t mean to make a racism == homophobia argument, and I apologize if it came out that way.

    Mr. Smith: At this point, since you have yet to practice even the most basic tenets of common courtesy that your parents should have taught you as a child, I’m done with you. If you want a discussion or debate, learn to be polite.

  16. dolphin Says:

    John, How is same-sex attraction an evolutionary dead end? It exists in ALL mammals and most non-mammal species. For it to be that widespread, evolutionary theory would posit that it’s not only NOT an evolutionary dead end, but is an evolutionary necessity.

    It helps prevent over population, develops elite offspring (in cultures where families tend to stay in close proximity, studies have shown that nephews and nieces of gays and lesbians demonstrate higher levels of aptitude than their counterparts with only straight aunts and uncles), reduce competition among the heterosexual mating pool, provide parenting to orphaned children (this happens in the animal kingdom as well as in humans), adn the list goes on. All of these things are vital to the survival of the species. And that’s what evolution accomplishes; the survival of the species, not merely the continuation of some specific set of familial genes. We as humans have high respect for the individual. Nature proves time and time again that she doesn’t share our obsession with the individual.

  17. Jake Says:

    Dolphin: Mr. Smith doesn’t understand evolution, that’s all – especially that bit called genetics that involves a thing called “recessive traits”.

    His science-fu is weak.

  18. KentuckyCountryboy Says:

    John Smith nailed it in post 11. In either religious or evolutionary circles, reproduction is the key.

    “As for you, be fruitful and multiply;
    Populate the earth abundantly and multiply in it.” Gen. 9:7
    I believe all three major monotheistic religions use the book of Genesis in one form or another.
    It’s always been my understanding that evolution is for preservation of the species…which requires reproduction. Obviously homos can’t reproduce, so that defies evolution.
    I’m not gonna disagree with Mr. Smith’s sentiment because I fully agree with him, just not his attitude. I disagree with homosexuality and believe it’s wrong with every fiber of my being, but I try to be generally polite with my beliefs. Some words were unnecessarily, but he’s 100% right in his statements.

    Oh, and dolphin, I’d like to see where you get your information. I call BS on the aunt and uncle thing, makes no sense what-so-ever. And bringing up adoption can open a whole other argument none of us want to get into.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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