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Range Time

How to tell if your local police range accepts federal funds: They open it up to the public once per year and let you sight in your shotguns. The sheriff in The City (My The City) does that too. See, if you accept federal funds for your range, the range must be open to the public. So, instead of following the spirit of the law and opening the ranges up, they follow the letter of the law and open it up only once per year.

3 Responses to “Range Time”

  1. Chas Says:

    I suppose only having the ranges open for one day a year simplifies the videotaping of vehicles and people who use the ranges that day. The information logistics might get too complicated if they had to do it more often. They have to be on the alert for right wing terrorists per DHS and they don’t want to lose those federal funds.

  2. Reputo Says:

    Reminder: The country is not governed by the “spirit of the law”, we are governed by the letter of the law. (Unless some judge’s opinion is the “spirit” in which case, since it is written down as a ruling it becomes the letter).

  3. M4finny Says:

    I wouldn’t even bother. Why put up with BS attitude that you might get anyway. Do the RKBA movement in your area a “solid” and join the local gun club, pay your dues and shoot in peace.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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