Archive for February, 2009

February 25, 2009

TN Gun Bills

Four bills that could be voted on today. Contact information there so get on the horn.

Also, on the supposed guns in bars bill, Rusty says: This does not apply to bars, restaurants, and clubs where one must be a certain age to enter.

Gun Sales

Cabela’s financials show sales up 17%.

Ruger firearm sales up $30M.

Hope and change.

February 24, 2009

Shout out

The Commercial Appeal published a list of handgun carry permit holders. Now, the TN Legislature is stepping in:

Tennessee lawmakers are ready again to try to muzzle state records that list who has a permit to carry a concealed handgun, and this time they are considering making it a crime to publish information about gun ownership.

Thank You, Commercial Appeal! Good job, guys. Appreciate you and your help.

US v. Hayes

David has the results. Second amendment not mentioned. Held:

A domestic relationship, although it must be established beyond a reasonable doubt in a §922(g)(9) firearms possession prosecution, need not be a defining element of the predicate offense.


On the guns in parks bills, Metro Nashville parks director needs to drink a nice big cup of calm his ass down:

These are places for fun, not guns. You mention this and my blood boils. That would put our children in harm’s way. That’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard. All you have to do is turn on the news and you hear about people being killed by guns. And yet they want to give people more access to guns. Many of our parks are adjacent to schools. Do we want to have people walking around with guns next to a school playground where there are children playing?

Well, if that’s all it takes to get your blood boiling, I can see why you don’t want people armed. You think they’re like you and prone to fits of rage. And conflating that this gives people more access to guns? I think he needs a tissue.

And, of course, the bill only applies to lawful handgun carry permit holders and not everyone. And we know that carry permit holders are more law-abiding than even police officers. You’ll note that, like most things written by Jeff Woods regarding guns, it isn’t made exactly clear that we’re talking about handgun carry permit holders only. After all, gotta get some hysteria going for all those cool alt-weekly readers.

Oh, and that picture of the guy carrying that Lahti 20mm you’re using on the top there? It’s not in the public domain and you’re violating his copyright. I’m sure you’ll be hearing from that guy soon.

Quote of the Day

In response to Mike Mallowe making this stupid comment:

Philadelphia Police officer John Pawlowski was not killed by Rasheed Scruggs — he was killed by the .357 pistol that Scruggs was using.

Phelps responds with:

C’mon guys, give him a break. He didn’t even write the article.

His computer did.


Only Pretend Revolutionaries Are Cool

Via email, I’m alerted to some blogger who’s totally losing his/her shit because the folks on the right now sound like the folks on the left sounded four and eight years ago. Seems some freepers are getting their ammo box, civil war, blah blah, talk on. Suddenly, Free Republic has become Democratic Underground from a few years ago with talks of uprising, planning for the worst, and stocking up on sweet, sweet ammo. Irony level is pretty rich because said blogger complaining about it has that whole V for Vendetta theme going on but is calling the secret service over harsh words seen on Al Gore’s Internets. Too funny. Also, the blogger says these people are talking assassination, which they’re not.

Any way, I don’t mind so much. The Bush years turned a lot of lefties into gun nuts. In fact, the picture that Mr. Fifth Of November Poser used was prominent on a lot of lefty, pro-gun sites. Looks like the Obama years will get a lot of righties back into the gun rights movement.

And to round out teh st00pid: That gun looks illegal, too.

Really? How can you tell?

A brief history of PSH

A look at the history of the ban on weapons that look like assault weapons.


Do you beleve Minnesotans where actually outraged over the vandalism?

No, I don’t. Not for a minute.

Don’t listen to NYT

Dave Kopel to Senator Gillibrand: Stick to your guns.

More from the Commercial Appeal

Despite their claims that they’re not anti-gun, they keep reminding us that they are anti-gun. This time, they want feedback. Ok, here’s some: gun owners don’t like their names published in the paper.

Oh you don’t say

Five ways you think you’re saving the earth but you’re really not.

Unsurprisingly, the only one benefiting from carbon credits is Al Gore and his earth-fucking boat, earth-fucking house, and earth-fucking trips in private jets to tell us how we have to stop fucking the earth. Kinda funny that the market for those is crashing.

Surprisingly, recycling is not that helpful.

tea party

Good rant by Santelli. I’ve made this same point to the hopey changeys too:

You know, they’re pretty much of the notion that you can’t buy your way into prosperity, and if the multiplier that all of these Washington economists are selling us is over 1 that we never have to worry about the economy again. The government should spend a trillion dollars an hour because we’ll get 1.5 trillion back.

Via Tam.


Ya know, if lugging a weapon through the woods, I advise putting a piece of tape over the barrel. It’s cheaper than re-barreling:

Note how he immediately ditches the gun and tries to get the next guy on target. That’s dedication. I’d still be freaking out over my rifle.

Sidewalk Art

Wow. These pictures are amazing.

ACORN Protesters Arrested

Gee, breaking into a house you do not own is breaking and entering? Who knew?

Ammo Shortage

Now, we know where it went.

Youth Guns

ABC News and the anti-gunners (but I repeat myself) are soiling their pretty little panties over youth guns:

“To specifically market a gun designed for a kid is outrageous,” said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, a gun control group. “To have a gun specially designed for junior, we’re talking about a lethal weapon here, you’re not talking about a toy anymore.”

Well, they have to be taught gun safety somehow and it may as well be with an appropriately sized weapon. That’s why I have an AR15 with one of those evil telescoping stocks so I can adjust it to my kids’ small stature.

State Gun Laws

Provided by ATF.

The Tyranny of Incompetence

Survivalism continues to go mainstream as Beck and others actually look at various SHTF scenarios.

Hope and Change

This stuff really is rich. A round up:


Human rights take a beating under President Obama.

Party like it’s 1997. The DOW and S&P are.

Even more transparency: The Obama administration, siding with former President George W. Bush, is trying to kill a lawsuit that seeks to recover what could be millions of missing White House e-mails.

I question the timing: Gitmo standards deemed humane


In Illinois, a bill to require gun owners get $1M in insurance.

February 23, 2009


Heh: And in another scene, Echo (Dushku) is asked if she knows how to use a gun. “I have three brothers, and none of them Democrats,” she says as she racked the slide, finger carefully indexed along the frame.


I know I’ve linked to video Boston Dynamics’ quadrupedal BigDog robot before but it keeps showing up. And that thing still gives me the willies.

Countdown to Reasoned Discoursetm


Given the recent dominance of gun bloggers on the sites, it would probalby the last place I’d want to take an anti-gun stance.

And what a post it is:

Philadelphia Police officer John Pawlowski was not killed by Rasheed Scruggs — he was killed by the .357 pistol that Scruggs was using.


My BS detector is tingling:

A retired St. Paul police officer was wounded Saturday when a pistol belonging to an off-duty Minneapolis police officer accidentally discharged at a gun show.

Both men were working security at the Minneapolis Gun Show at the Minneapolis Convention Center when the accident happened about 1:15 p.m., said Minneapolis police spokesman Sgt. Jesse Garcia.

The semi-automatic pistol went off when the holster got caught on a chair that the Minneapolis officer was either leaning back on or getting off of, Garcia said.

Once more, with feeling

I know papers are struggling and all but every time you turn around, some idiotic paper is publishing lists of handgun carry permit holders. This time, it’s The Arkansas Times’ Max Brantley. And the reason papers do this is to generate a buzz and traffic since such a list really has no redeeming value to anyone other than criminals. And the alt-weekly biz is in the shitter.

Zombie Gun

Belt Fed 12 Gauge Upper Receiver for AR-15s:

Grassiest of roots

Continuing their trend of getting no traction on the internets, it looks like the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership went out and got their Facebook on. With the usual results:

The Brady’s also have a page on Facebook that has a forum for people who “join the group”. The majority of the posts and threads are by pro-gun advocates w/ nary a Brady supporter to be heard.

So if ‘gun control’ is so popular, where are the supporters?

Friendless on the tubes. In the past, there was no better source for pro-gun information than the Brady Blog itself. Facebook not far behind.

And no love for the false flags either.

On the Para

Gun Blog .45 wins by five seconds.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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