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Heh: And in another scene, Echo (Dushku) is asked if she knows how to use a gun. “I have three brothers, and none of them Democrats,” she says as she racked the slide, finger carefully indexed along the frame.

11 Responses to “Dollhouse”

  1. smijer Says:

    Thought about you & Jay when I heard that. Gotta love Joss Wheadon.

  2. Alan Says:

    I always like a good rule 3 example on TV.

  3. RAH Says:

    I watched that also and laughed about the brothers not being democrats.

  4. Chris Byrne Says:

    Though she’s originally from Boston, her long term boyfriend is from Texas; and she bow hunts, and shoots with him on his families ranch.

  5. Chris Byrne Says:

    Oops, I screwed up. Not Texas, Oklahoma.

  6. Laughingdog Says:

    My girlfriend texted that line to me as soon as she saw it. I will definitely have to start trying to catch that show. I am definitely succeeding in getting her hooked on firearms if that line is what stood out for her.

  7. D2k Says:

    Pirate News what are you smoking…

    The Most Dangerous Game is a short story written in 1924

    The Dollhouse episode and everyone else using that title are referencing the short story…

  8. Breda Says:

    Pirate News is clearly a few crayons short of a full box.

  9. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, they seem to be spamming the site. Somehow, one got through.

  10. Brad Says:

    I love Joss’s work. I’m a big fan of his show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and people should check out Joss’s very fun project, Dr. Horrible’s sing-along blog.

    But I suspect Joss’s politics are not gun or conservative friendly. Back in 2004 Joss held a Buffy cast party which the public could pay to join, with all admissions donated to the Kerry campaign. (One notable absence was Sarah Michelle Gellar)

    But that line in DollHouse about “three brothers, none of them Democrats” is so witty that I have to forgive Joss his Kerry silliness.

  11. Brad Says:

    Oh Yeah. If this story is accurate Joss is NOT on our side at all. I also found a link saying Joss contributed 28 grand to Obama in September 2008.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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