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Where Great Britain used to be

You can’t protect your garden with barbed wire because it might hurt thieves.

8 Responses to “Where Great Britain used to be”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    I hate to disagree, but it’s definitely a hazard if kids try to climb over it (in which case it wouldn’t be trespassing because they’re minors) or if someone trips and falls. If the fence were 8 feet high, I would agree that only a thief could hurt themselves, but in this case he should just take it down.

    – Jeremy, CT, USA, 09/10/2008 21:50

    Looks like we have sheep here in the US that want to be the same thing.

    Jeremy is an idiot. The chances of a “child” “falling” “randomly” on this is practically nil. When I was a kid, I knew better than to play near barbed wire. And how many “kids” just walk down the road without parental supervision?

    The problem is that morons like Jeremy think he’s being logical – the disease is spreading here too.

    Honestly, sometimes I think I should move to England and be a criminal. I’d have more rights and freedoms than I do here, sometimes.

  2. Huck Says:

    What happened to “private property is sacred” and/or “your home is your castle”?

  3. Bobby Says:

    Is it me, or is the prospect of a child trying to climb a barb wire fence sound like a excellent learning experience?

  4. JJR Says:

    By contrast, in Latin America, the exterior walls around the courtyards of homes have broken glass embedded in the top.

  5. Guav Says:

    It’s not his “private property” though Huck, it’s an “allotment.” The plot of land is not his, but rented from the council that asked him not to put the fence up. The council is the one who is liable for anything that happens on the land.

    So while of course I don’t think anyone should be liable for injuries a mutant sustains in the process of committing a crime, the reality is that he is not actually being prevented from putting a barbed wire fence on his privately-owned land, which changes things a little bit.

  6. BWM Says:

    That place is really, really sad, yet hilariously funny at the same time…

  7. straightarrow Says:

    Guav said “The council is the one who is liable for anything that happens on the land.”

    Evidently not, Guav. The council didn’t accept liability for the two thefts of property the lessee had previously suffered.

    In the absence of responsibility it is imperative that there also be an absence of authority.

    You may quote me on that.

  8. straightarrow Says:

    And the reverse should also be true. One should not be held responsible for what he has not the authority to correct.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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