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An angel gets its wings

Stingray is half-way to Evil Black Rifle Disease.

SayUncle AR Lower Assembly Tip: I always insert the pivot pin and detent in the bathroom with the doors closed. That way, when you invariably launch one because you will screw up the first time, you can find it easily on the tile floor.

Also, it’s why I always use JT Distributing lower parts kits. They always send you an extra.

3 Responses to “An angel gets its wings”

  1. Matt Fulghum Says:

    I’m a big fan of the “throw a white sheet over your head” school of AR assembly. sounds stupid, I know, but it serves the same purpose. the sheet, obviously, will capture the inevitable “sproings” when installing the detents.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    yeah, i used to assemble them in a plastic bag as well. but the bathroom is easier because it doesn’t require a third arm to hold the bag.

  3. Chas Says:

    A trick for keeping small springs from ejecting and getting lost is to “glue” them in place with grease. I do that with all my small springs.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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