Archive for October 25th, 2012

October 25, 2012

Better case for voting

You could win a rifle

So I can sue the weatherman for the costs of a car wash?

In Italy, scientists were convicted for not predicting a deadly earthquake. So, scientists quit and will no longer advise the state.

Via Phelps, who notes GALILEO SHRUGS

Keep your booger hook off the bang switch

Especially while holstering.


Making your own RPD

Yo dawg, I heard you liked Darth Vader . . .

Very cool

What you do instead of something

Ban texting while driving. Crashes actually go up.

Glock and S&W

Most used handguns at recent Carolina Cup

Tactical Beemer

Tactical Car: Armored up 7 series BMW.

Two compelling reasons to vote

First, if someone with an R after their name is in office, the press suddenly remembers it’s a watchdog and would devote more coverage to, say, Fast and Furious or the disaster that is Benghazi.

Second, judges.

I guess their sales will now double

Mayors Against Guns is going after

News you can use

How to make your wife hate guns

Fast and curious

Arming Libyan jihadis.

EMP, sort of

Boeing Now Has A Missile That Destroys Only Electronics And Leaves All Else Intact

Wonder what it’s NFA classification would be?

Assault weapons

Question: If bayonets are obsolete, why is a bayonet lug something that makes a rifle an “assault weapon”?

I think Obama thinks those horses and bayonets are unicorn parts.

But we need to have conversation

This, again.

Deal Alert

$10 off Your $50 Wildgame Innovations Purchase

Hope and change


Obama moves to make the War on Terror permanent
Complete with a newly coined, creepy Orwellian euphemism – ‘disposition matrix’ – the administration institutionalizes the most extremist powers a government can claim

I thought it was Bush who did all that?

I’ve arrived

My stuff has been copied and pasted on the internet

What a moran

But they tell me voter fraud never happens. I can’t imagine why a Rep’s son would know so much about it then.

Gun Porn


Suppressed PPK


Magnum Research BFR

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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