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EMP, sort of

Boeing Now Has A Missile That Destroys Only Electronics And Leaves All Else Intact

Wonder what it’s NFA classification would be?

3 Responses to “EMP, sort of”

  1. Sigivald Says:

    Unregulated under the NFA!

    It’d probably make the FCC have a royal fit, though.

  2. Rivrdog Says:

    The story doesn’t say how permanent the effect is. Is the target equipment destroyed, or merely disrupted, and re-bootable?

    On earlier EMP tests with cars, it was found that most could be restarted to run normally after the pulse caused them all to be shut down.

  3. yj Says:

    I’m pretty sure its just a missile filled with copies of the Koran. Drop one on a country and ta-da, its the 1600’s all over again.

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