We’re winning
Tuesday, August 30th, 2016A majority of Americans say gun rights are more important than gun control.
A majority of Americans say gun rights are more important than gun control.
Carry permits are at an all time high. Notably, more women and minorities are getting them.
A surprising number of college professors are pro gun.
Changing hearts and minds, assault weapons edition. Some folks, however, you will never reach.
And the path forward.
The WaPo (yeah, that one): Gun control? Americans increasingly see more guns as the solution, not the problem.
Pew pew pew poll: Gun rights top gun control: Exactly two years after President Obama’s bid for gun control following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting died in Congress, a new poll has discovered a huge shift in public opinion to backing Second Amendment gun rights and away from controlling gun ownership. The reason: Americans […]
Americans don’t want stricter gun laws
Going back on offense in PA
Lowered expectations: CSGV goal for fundraising this year is half its already weak goal from last year.
When you’ve reached the mom blogs . . .
I’m hungry for some Denny’s. Chicks and guns and smiles Thinking of the children
Heh. National Gun Victims Action Council uses the same argument against open carry that pro-gun people who prefer concealed carry would use.
A look inside the carry culture that is mostly positive and highlights our victories. And it features the town of someone you may know.
Forbes notices gun sale are exploding Elle magazine (yeah, that one) does a bit on Should I Buy A Gun? CMMG 6.8 Upper for sale. At Sears.
The press is noticing what gun bloggers have been noticing for months: Wal Mart selling ARs.
Gun Control: A Movement Without Followers. Aside from the gratuitous reference to Giffords that’s so prevalent these days, not a bad article, especially since it’s owned by Bloomberg. More from Joe who wonders if we’re winning the culture war.
Record gun sales noticed by CNN. More guns, less crime. CBS notes the face of gun culture is changing. To women. Tam runs up the score.
Gun sales up at Christmas in VA And in NY
AR-15s for sale at Wal-Mart’s website. No doubt, Bloomberg will begin investigating them.
Interesting article in Business Week on diversity: Ultimately, she got the Walther, joining a confederacy of people who might once have been counted on in the main to be anti-handgun — women, liberals, gays, college kids. Interestingly, the article is a bout a Buddhist who carries.
Gallup: 47% of American households own a gun, up from 41% just a year ago. Of course, it’s 47% that admit it.
A record one day high for NICS checks!
AR stuff at Fudd gun shops in Cali.
NSSF: Black Friday Sees Record Background Checks for Firearm Purchases Even USA Today picked up on it.
From the chick and guns files: More women are using guns for fun and protection
Tam brings a reminder: If you had showed up in that gun store of 1995 and told everybody that you were a time traveler from a 2011 where the AWB had sunset, ‘Vermont-style’ carry was now ‘Vermont/Alaska/Arizona/Wyoming-style’, and that the House of Representatives had just passed, by a hefty margin, a national CCW reciprocity bill, […]
Oh sure, there’s been several instances of AR-15s for sale at Wal-Mart. But now, an uber tacticool Sig Sauer AR for sale at Wal-Mart.
woot.com selling S&W weapon lights.
The other side is yammering on about media bias.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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