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Scoot Update

Friday, June 9th, 2006

An update from my friend who was raided by the ATF. He writes: The motion to suppress the search warrant was heard yesterday. The [DA] admitted that there was an omission in the affidavit and that it was “hurriedly and haphazardly written”. They did not note that what was relayed to the atf was actually […]

Scoot update

Tuesday, May 30th, 2006

I am remiss in mentioning that my buddy Scoot, the one who was arrested by the ATF, emailed me that: The government is planning to push the fact that I had sold firearms parts and was now making receivers so obviously I would sell them also. Ever own a gun part or accessory and sold […]

More Scoot

Thursday, March 30th, 2006

Talked to him yesterday. He’s back at work and getting on with his life. Thanks to readers, I have a ton of legal info to give to him. The ATF said he was a flight risk and should be held. The judge was unconvinced. On the felony charges, I have no information on the incident […]

Scoot update – 2

Friday, March 24th, 2006

I lied, this is the last update: Just so we’re clear, the update below is not to say that what happened to Scoot is right (I don’t think it is) but that the felony thing really isn’t good in terms of a victory for gun rights or reigning in ATF problems. I’m not mad at […]

Scoot update

Friday, March 24th, 2006

In an update to my friend and his visit from the ATF, the ATF just called him as I was on the phone with him, they stated they had a warrant now, and asked him to come open the house or they’d bust his door down. It does beg the question: why did they not […]

ATF searches local’s home, who happens to be my friend

Thursday, March 23rd, 2006

This will probably be in the paper tomorrow. Reader, commenter, arfcommer, and friend Shoot-N-Scoot just called to tell me that: *The ATF is at his house *They’re asking if he has any machine guns *They have seized his house pending approval of a search warrant *Told him he was free to go but they were […]

How dare you use our tactics against us!!

Wednesday, July 25th, 2007

As Sebastian says: The ATF accusing anyone of intimidation is almost laughable. But it’s true. The ATF seems to think that keeping tabs on their activities and taking their pictures while they’re investigating whether or not i’s were dotted and t’s were crossed is intimidation. David has some of the documents and notes: [ATF] had […]

Felons with guns; and badges

Friday, July 7th, 2006

One of them is illegal and one is not: Former Officer with Criminal Record Wants Second Chance A former Clarksville police officer said he deserves a second chance. Rudy Castro recently lost his badge after a background check revealed he has a criminal record. Castro wouldn’t say what he did, but he said he committed […]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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