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Kevin is right. They have shipped. Junior got hers yesterday:

Child’s medium was the smallest they had. Little big on her. And, no, I don’t why she’s making that face.

6 Responses to “Kalashnikitty”

  1. martywd Says:

    It’s that ‘say cheese’ smile that seems to be obligatory when a camera is involved?  My grandson does the same thing if prompted: ‘smile for the camera!’ They grow out of it. Cute shirt. Cute kid.

  2. Phelps Says:

    That’s the same look I get right before I hit someone.

  3. Breda Says:

    The Spawn of SayUncle is really quite cute! (who would have guessed?)

  4. Robb Allen Says:

    There’s comes a time in a child’s life when they all of a sudden can no longer smile without looking like if you were to turn your head, they’re stab you.

    My daughter did the same thing around 3.

  5. Mad Saint Jack Says:

    It kinda sucks being a fat scary looking gunnut. I don’t have anyone to buy a Kalashnikitty shirt for. waah!

    (If Breda moves to KY I’ll buy her one.)

  6. Mad Saint Jack Says:

    “And, no, I don’t why she’s making that face.”

    Because she knows AR’s suck! (duck and cover.)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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