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Edwards admits affair

Says Not the first time. Look at this fabulous hair. The chicks dig the locks.

Story here. The real story, though, is that the media kept quiet about this despite knowing about the allegations.

There are two Americas, one where you’re faithful to your wife and one where you’re not.

12 Responses to “Edwards admits affair”

  1. Jack Burton Says:

    Shows at least one democrat is in favor of drilling.

  2. Number9 Says:

    I’m guessing the paternity test is off?

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    re: two Americas

    Heh! good one.

    And this broke when? Friday afternoon? 4:30 pm? That’s what I’m getting from google snooze. Before then all the posts are from minor news blogs about an alleged affair. Good timing by the Edwards’ spin cycle team.

  4. dad Says:

    This has really ruined my day, He was such a great mind and could have done so much for this country. That ” Vast right wing group ” has reached out again took away another great mind.So what if he got a little stinky on his dinky, I say we forgive him and give him a chance after all it is his personal business, Clinton did it and look what a great President he was, I say put him in the VP slot and let us move forward.

  5. Number9 Says:

    I say we forgive him and give him a chance after all it is his personal business, Clinton did it and look what a great President he was, I say put him in the VP slot and let us move forward.

    Par for the course.

    A little on the Lewinksy side.

  6. workinwifdakids Says:

    A man methodically and repeatedly breaks an oath he made to God and to his soul mate, and then says “trust me” to 300 million strangers.


  7. Xrlq Says:

    Someone at the Corner had a similar zinger, a la there are two Americas, Edwards had a wife in one and a girlfriend in the other.

  8. DirtCrashr Says:

    And Elizabeth Edwards also lied about tthe affair, she knew before he ran for President and lied about it, and kept up the fakery – there’s your Two Americas, one for each of ’em.

  9. Guav Says:

    Generally speaking, the media “keeps quiet” about pretty much any allegations that come to light in the National Enquirer, as they should.

  10. SayUncle Says:

    true. but there were other sources.

  11. Xrlq Says:

    No, they shouldn’t. The fact that the National Enquirer is running a story is no reason for any other paper not to follow up on it themselves. At worst, the Enquirer’s reputation is a good reason not to just turn around and report the story themselves without further investigation, but they shouldn’t be doing that, anyway.

  12. Guav Says:

    I’m just saying, lack of mainstream attention to something alleged by the Enquirer is not evidence of media bias or a conspiracy or anything. The media also “kept quiet” about the tabloid allegations that Bush was hitting the bottle and the allegations that he and Laura were getting a divorce. I don’t expect the MSM to launch a huge investigation every time a tabloid says something shocking about a public or political figure.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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