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Grime & Punishment

I said:

If you want to send a message to the Republicans you don’t do that by voting Democrat. If you vote Democrat, you send a message that you like Democrats.

AC disagrees:

At a certain point, if you have been routinely let down and ignored, you have to remind whatever party you identify with that your vote is not a lock. You have to remind them to earn your vote.

Uncle asserts that the way to do this, the only proper way, is to vote third party for if you vote for the Democrat you are voting to affirm them.

I disagree. In most cases, yes, simply voting for the opposite party out of spite is not advisable. But I think in this specific case, things are different. First of all, Corker is an extremely bad candidate and the Republican party has been grossly negligent in their duties both to conservatism and the country.

They deserve the harshest punishment they can get.

I don’t disagree on punishing them.

8 Responses to “Grime & Punishment”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    Voting for the best candidate is always an option….

  2. #9 Says:

    Isn’t this idea of “punishment” flawed? If you really want to punish members of Congress hold them accountable to the same laws regular people must obey.

    Ford hasn’t showed he is materially different from Corker. Neither party is worth a damn. With Frist gone we will get a new leader in the Senate. That leader cannot be Harry Reid. So the choice is simple, vote for Corker or vote third party. Who in the Democrat leadership do you trust? Hillary Clinton? Chuck Schumer? Dick Durbin?

    AC is a smart guy but the logic on this punishment idea is tortured beyond comprehension.

  3. DADvocate Says:

    Lou Dobbs has suggested registering as independent. He believes that with fewer registered Democrats and Republicans both parties will get the message and begin to reform.

  4. #9 Says:

    Lou Dobbs has suggested registering as independent. He believes that with fewer registered Democrats and Republicans both parties will get the message and begin to reform.

    I like it.

  5. triticale Says:

    The problem is that by voting Democrat you punish the population. If we get new taxes which are disincentives for capital investments those of us who work on new corporate projects will be at risk of unemployment. What did I do to deserve this?

  6. Captain Holly Says:

    Look, I won’t defend the Republicans because I can’t. They’re guilty of everything conservatives have accused them of, and more.

    But for me, the bottom lines are the War on Terror, taxes, and guns. And on those three issues, a Pelosi-led Democrat House or a Reid-led Democrat Senate are far, far, FAR worse than a Congress led by feckless Republicans like Hastert or Frist. That’s why, as disgusted as I am with the Republican leadership, I will hold my nose and vote Republican because those who think things can’t get any worse are very, very wrong.

    They can indeed get worse, and if all the pundits are correct, about six months from now you’ll hear weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth from people like AC who, after Speaker Pelosi announces sweeping new gun control legislation or massive tax hikes, will wonder where the Republicans are to stop them.

  7. medicman Says:

    The time to send a message to the Republicans is in the primaries, not the general election. If the Dems control the Senate, say goodbye to any conservative judges being affirmed. We are still dealing with messes left by Carter appointed judges. Vote in conservatives in the primaries, so the choice will be a Dem vs. a conservative rather than a Dem vs. a RINO

  8. Dave thA Says:

    Time to show displeasure is during the opinion polls, before the vote and when you exit. Tell them that you are disgusted with x and will vote for y unless they change their ways.

    Don’t vote for the Dems. That would be like wanting to lose the war because you don’t like the President…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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