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Little gun scare makes rounds again

This time, at

Police and other law enforcement agencies have been told to be on the lookout for two new gadgets — a tiny gun that looks like a key chain trinket and easily could be smuggled onto a plane, and a plastic handcuff key that looks like a pendant.

The NYPD issued a Sept. 29 memo about the factory-produced gun — a 2½-inch-long replica of the Colt Python that, police sources note, can be tossed, along with keys and cell phone, for instance, into a plastic basket before passing through an airport metal detector. The gun has not been found in New York City, authorities said.

Bear in mind some things about this gun (from an earlier post):

They cost $5,000

They’re illegal to import

The ammo is less powerful than an Airsoft pellet

They fire the round at an underwhleming 420 FPS

3 Responses to “Little gun scare makes rounds again”

  1. Jay G Says:

    This is the perfect foil for the .50 BMG scare. I *distinctly* remember the “scare” hit piece done on the Barrett Light-50. The “news” article talked about how it was “easier to obtain than a handgun” (duh, because it’s a rifle) and how it was used by the military to defeat armor (duh, with ammunition that is not sold to civilians and is, in fact, illegal for civilians to possess).

    They neglected to mention a few salient points:

    1. The guns cost upwards of $8,000.
    2. The gun is five feet long.
    3. It weighs 38 pounds.
    4. Ammo costs ~ $2/round.
    5. There are no reported crimes committed with this gun on record.

    It won’t be long before all we’re “allowed” to own are single-shot 12 gauge shotguns and single-shot .22LR rifles…

  2. straightarrow Says:

    JG, if they have their way we won’t own any arms of any kind. We will even be required to turn in rocks

  3. Sigivald Says:

    Yes, you could toss that gun in the plastic bucket (that goes through the x-ray machine before going through the metal detector!

    I’m sure the X-ray machine would be far less effective at showing a pistol-shaped, er, pistol, than the metal detector, right?

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