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More on Bloomberg

Alan Gottlieb:

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s lawsuit against 15 alleged “rogue” firearms dealers in five states is political grandstanding run amok.

The press and prosecutors in those five states ought to be asking Bloomberg why, if his investigators had positively identified these retailers and caught them in an illegal act, was the information not turned over to the proper authorities, including the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives?

Instead, the headline-hunting Bloomberg launched a civil lawsuit in what should be, if he is to be believed, a criminal action.

There’s a reason for that. The private investigators New York hired to conduct this sting must have made deliberately false statements on federal firearms purchase forms. That’s a felony. They should be prosecuted. If Bloomberg sent them to do this, he’s an accessory, if not a conspirator.

He is correct. It is also an admission that NY’s gun control laws aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

3 Responses to “More on Bloomberg”

  1. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    Didn’t I already say that? A couple of days ago, when you first put up the story about this idiocy?

    I think the ATF needs to have a talk with those PIs.

    BTW-your sitemeter says 1,000,014.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Indeed you did. So did I. But it’s good to see some press coverage of it.

  3. teqjack Says:

    “… must have made deliberately false statements on federal firearms purchase forms.”

    Maybe not. As I understand it, those were not “gun dealers” but pawn shops, and the Mayor’s complaint seems to be that the weapons may have been sold as a “private” transaction and no checking done.

    Still grandstanding, but possibly with a point depending on how many units were sold at a time and whether any type of form was used and/or reported. Of course, this is the same mayor who outlawed toy guns and had his picture taken holding up a lime-green water pistol as one of the items banned for too closely resembling a “real” pistol… And NYC now requires tracking of medicines taken by diabetics: just what dangers do diabetics and their medications pose that they must be tracked?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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