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The Gun Blogs

Not much activity over at The Gun Blogs lately (other than me). Why is that? I thought you guys would dig it (and you said you would in a poll) and that non-bloggers would like a place to blog.

Was it something I said?

9 Responses to “The Gun Blogs”

  1. Tam Says:

    I have a hard enough time thinking of something to write on my own blog. 😮

  2. Reason Says:

    My take is that the action is tapering off because nobody really comments on each others’ posts.

  3. Sailorcurt Says:

    I’ve been blogging about other subjects lately. In fact, I was on a Patriot Guard Riders Mission on Sunday and Monday and spent Tuesday and Wednesday attempting to properly memorialize the event in a post.

    When I hit guns again I will be sure to cross post on The Gun Blogs. In fact, I plan to hit the indoor range this afternoon and try out the new Tech-sights I just installed on my SKS. My next gun post should be a range report, unless of course an editor needs a letter before I get to that.

  4. robert Says:

    I’d love to be posting, but it won’t send me a password.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    robert, i emailed you your password. let me know if you don’t get it.

  6. SB Says:

    Conceptually, bloging is a neat idea. In fact, I think it takes lots of effort; of which, most people can’t afford to expend on a leisure activity.

  7. Josh Says:

    I have been too busy to post much on my own blog this month. As soon as I get some material that doesn’t suck, I’ll cross post it. I need to make sure my PW works anyway.

  8. straightarrow Says:

    Will be posting soon, I hope, I have some archived stuff I wrote only for myself on another computer that I am having trouble with. I would like to get a look at some of that material.

    A lot of my concern is more about liberty of which the gun is the guardian more than it is about the gun itself.

  9. SpankThatDonkey Says:

    I spiced it up with an ad 🙂

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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