Archive for January, 2019

January 08, 2019

Speaking of 22 Mag

.22 Magnum is Pretty Good

Gun Porn

Double barreled revolver in 22 magnum. No, really.

January 03, 2019

Having done nothing at all

On January 1, I became a criminal in my hometown of Boulder

Wear and tear

Someone new to guns will usually ask me how often I clean my various guns. For most guns, that answer is “whenever it stops working”. The exceptions to that are carry and home defense guns. They see an adequate amount of cleaning and, more importantly, lubing.

Tam discusses that and the 2K round challenge.

NFRTR data

Someone sent a FOIA request to ATF on the database that tracks machineguns and got this:

Pre 86 (transferables): 175,977
Sales Samples (pre May keepers): 17,020
Restricted 922(o) (posties): 297,667


A good read.

I think he is 100% correct

Sebastian: In my mind gun people are suffering from a number of maladies

Gun Porn

Zev has released a new gun that takes Glock magazines. It seems similar to the Sig 250s in that it has a receiver that everything connects to.

Pump Action Adaptation of the South African Galil

January 02, 2019

Who’s “we”?

Gun Owners Are Being Othered, And Were Letting It Happen.

Thanks for the tip

In comments, OtherSteve schooled me on passwords and how I was doing them wrong:

Youre fundamentally wrong.

Im try and keep it short but if you are complaining about password requirements youre doing everything wrong. Every website password you have should be at least 16 chars random values.

If you arent using a password manager right now you are a fool and behind the curve.

Get LastPass, there are other options but LP is really hard to mess up. Install the extension into your browser, get the app for your phone. Set up account and add EVERYTHING to it. Get your spouse and employees to do the same if you share passwords with them.

LastPass never has your passwords they can see on their server, locally decrypted only. They never have your master password to open the vault. You will turn 2FA : multifactor on so that when accessing LastPass you need your phone and master pass every 30 days, meaning if someone stole your master password they would need to steal your phone to access also. You can make a OTP (one time password) sheet and put it in the safe so your spouse or kids can access your vault if you ever need them to.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to be complaining about password requirements right now. That is a symptom not of bass web policy, but of your bad practices.

I think bad practices is a chicken and egg thing. Do we have bad practices because of dumb password policies? Or do we have dumb password policies due to bad practices? But he’s right. LastPass makes everything work better and more securely. Thanks for the help. And I do recommend it.

NICS data

The category of prohibited persons that is greatest is illegal immigrants.

And he’s a republican

Gun-owner rights bill becomes Ohio law after legislature overrode Kasich veto. Has Kasich ever been a friend to liberty?

Assault ham

Man arrested for allegedly throwing ham at woman in argument over Christmas dinner

Tennessee knife laws

Summed up

They have to enforce the law?

GAO Report Shows Govt. Agencies Like IRS and NIH Are Heavily Armed, WHY?.

A running theme here a bit back was Everybody has a SWAT team.


Albuquerque mayor signs bill into law wearing a Pantera sweater. I didn’t know those were a thing but it is.

News you can use

The Terminal-Performance Triangle: Measuring Ammo Effectiveness

Coming out

As a gun owner: Student Deluged With Doxxing and Death Threats After Pro-Gun Graduation Photos

New from Glock

They’ll sell a ton of these. Basically, ten round, single stack compact guns in the right caliber.

Gun Porn

AUG + M203

FK Brno Field Pistol in 7.5 FK

January 01, 2019

Happy New Year!

Hope you had a fun and safe one. Blogging to resume at some point.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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