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A house joint resolution to undo Obama’s gun ban for those receiving social security benefits.

14 Responses to “Good”

  1. Tim Says:

    ….”Trump” all the things!………

  2. Fred Says:

    Evidence of evil? Leaving old people defenseless and helpless, yes, that’s evil.

  3. MattCFII Says:

    CNN’s click through title of their article “House votes to allow mentally ill to buy guns”

    Also got a kick the other day is the only time they pointed out a ban would not have stopped the San Bernardino attack, but it was the travel ban.

  4. Alien Says:

    Significant that the repeal is being done through Congress so it’s not another “phone and pen” thing. Doesn’t mean another prez can’t do an EO to restore it, but it increases the degree of difficulty.

  5. Muntz Says:

    Here’s a list of all the votes if you click on Roll no. 71:

  6. rickn8or Says:

    “The Usual Suspects.”

    Stand by for a whole lot of votes this way.

  7. Ron W Says:

    @Fred, yes! Disarming anyone, especially more vulnerable senior citizens, is extremely evil! This is “wickedness in high places” taking from others what they keep for themselves!

  8. nk Says:

    It is only people who got into Social Security because of mental disability. Not age, and not physical disability either.

  9. benEzra Says:

    nk, not all mental conditions are disqualifying. My son is SSI disabled due to developmental delays, but majing it a felony for me to take him to the range wouldn’t make anyone any safer.

    The media are stereotyping anyone with a mental condition of any kind as if they were all violent sufferers of paranoid schizophrenia, or something. That reflects either ignorance or ruthlessness on their part.

  10. nk Says:

    As I understand it, they are only placed on the NCIS list, the worst scenario being that they cannot buy a gun, not that they are otherwise prohibited persons. It is only a regulation, not a statute with criminal penalties. Also, there is the additional requirement that they cannot manage their own financial affairs.

    Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want NCIS at all. I think it is the biggest defeat RKBA has suffered since the ’68 GCA. I’m trying to bring some perspective, basically.

  11. nk Says:

    *NICS* I like the TV show better than law, that’s why I always mess it up. 😉

  12. SPQR Says:

    There is no statutory authority for denying a purchase of a non-prohibited person.

  13. benEzra Says:

    nk, it is my understanding that the new rule would treat an assignment of adesignated payee by SSI as an adjudication of mental incompetence. They may only be talking about NICS for now, but if I understand correctly, the underlying rationale is that they become prohibited persons, as if they were adjuducated by a court.

  14. Ron W Says:

    Obama had also banned military vets who had just sought psych counseling from buying firearms. He despised and disdained them.


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