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Elections matter too much

A piece by Glenn Reynolds over at USA Today: There was a time when there was enough freedom that it hardly mattered which brand of crooks ran government.

4 Responses to “Elections matter too much”

  1. nk Says:

    It’s because the stupid people did not care which gang of crooks was in charge that the crooks were able to put laws into place to take away the people’s freedoms and to more easily control us and rob us.

  2. Fred Says:

    We already at war, the shooting hasn’t started yet is all. It’s coming.

  3. Bruce Says:

    Great article.

  4. Ron W Says:

    Right! As James Madison, the wordsmith of the Constitution said, “the powers delegated to the Federal Government are few and defined…”, so IF our elected officials obeyed their delegated powers and did not violate the wording of the Bill of Rights, national elections wouldn’t matter very much.

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