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Cult is more like it

The church of the MSM

4 Responses to “Cult is more like it”

  1. Fred Says:

    It is a religion for sure. That gov, MSM being an agent, can save us from our own deeds is preposterous. You can’t force morality, that’s, um, immoral.

  2. Huck Says:

    Like the MSM and Fedguv are shining examples of morality themselves, right?

  3. Lyle Says:

    Church, cult, it’s a matter of the degree to which you agree with it. To a Catholic, the Mormon Church is probably a cult, and the Catholic Church to Mormons. Or shall we go by the government’s decision to grant them their special tax status as religions?

    In the latter case our government is a religion, of the “organized religion” type (which I would call a cult, along with all the others). It seeks to be the “higher power” to which are all to subscribe, it seeks to be the sole arbiter of truth and justice, it seeks to be the all-knowing, all-protecting force in the world, to be our salvation, damning us if we don’t go along, it claims credit for our accomplishments (“why call me good? without government I am nothing. the government within me, it did it” – “You didn’t build that”) and to re-make us in its own image.

    Is that a religion or a cult? Yes.

  4. Ron W Says:

    @Lyle, yes, and far worse than “organized religion”, the government will threaten and use jail or “gun violence” to force compliance.

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