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Suddenly, Trump’s policy seems reasonable

Mexico tortures migrants and citizens in effort to slow Central American surge. They should build a wall and have Guatemala pay for it.

4 Responses to “Suddenly, Trump’s policy seems reasonable”

  1. Ron W Says:

    “The United States….SHALL protect the States against Invasion” (Article IV, Section 4, U.S. Constitution) That’s one of the few, defined delegated powers of our elected government, one which has been neglected and refused by successive and treasonous administrations. An open border gives “aid and comfort” to “enemies” which is defined as “treason” by the Constitution (Artcle III, Section 3). Conserve the Constitution and our Nation. Stop electing traitors!

  2. Jim Says:

    The traitorous are the only people willing to run the gauntlet of a political campaign.

  3. Double A.D. Says:

    Really, I give zero fvcks. If someone tried to come into your house, uninvited, you would do all you could to defend it, wouldn’t you?

    Good on Mexico for trying to stem illegal immigration into their country from the south. Now if they would just crack down on those Mexicans trying to go Norte, we would all be better off.

  4. Ron W Says:

    @Double A.D., stopping Mexicans and OTM’s “trying to go Norte” of our border is one of the FEW jobs for which we hire a President. Now and for a long time we’ve had dereliction of duty or treason in that regard. In a normal world of Congressional statesmen and patriots, presidents like this one and those before would have long since been impeached and REMOVED.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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