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I don’t get it

If you want a push button safety for your AR-15, someone makes one. From comments:

I’ve always wanted to get rid of the most ergonomic part of my favorite rifle and replace it with my least favorite part of the 870.

7 Responses to “I don’t get it”

  1. Shrimp Says:

    Also from the comments:
    “Congratulations to Elftmann Tactical for fixing a non-problem. At least the product is aptly named. After the designer, no doubt.”

    I lol’ed

  2. rickn8or Says:

    And some operating operator will buy it.

  3. SouthpawByNW Says:

    As someone who shoots wrong-handed I don’t see how this is ambidextrous. Am I missing something in how this safety functions?

  4. mikee Says:

    Had the makers etched “Bang Bang” or “Pew Pew” on the red part of the button that is exposed when the safety is off, they’d get 100x more sales.

    I offer this marketing suggestion free of charge, and hope to see it implemented immediately.

  5. Dustin Says:

    Does it count as ambidextrous if it’s equally awkward to operate from either hand?

  6. Dogzard Says:

    Would have thought it would be the other way around.

    But I guess that requires too much thought and work.

  7. Lyle Says:

    This is what Cooper often referred to as “a solution is search of a problem”. I suppose if you’re really, really accustomed to your 870 and you want your AR to work the same…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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