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A few falsehoods that a lot of people seem to believe:

That Michael Brown put his hands up and said don’t shoot, instead of assaulting a police officer after felony strong armed robbery while high.

That Trayvon Martin was murdered due to stand your ground laws, instead of being some one casing out a place to rob and, then, hanging out to beat up a gay guy.

Planned parenthood never sold organs, though they did.

And we can soon add the following to the list:

There was a poop swastika on the Mizzou campus.

The KKK was active on the same campus.

7 Responses to “Endarkenment”

  1. JTC Says:

    Take the PP thing out and your examples give a whole new meaning to “endarkenment”. The organizers, activists, and agitators were/are boots on the ground from the get-go. And with all of that and the anti-LE movement component added,

    I just can’t understand why there are no protests, riots, fires, looting and assaults on the streets of Marksville LA where a couple cops with a history of rights abuses murdered a little boy strapped in a car seat and tried to murder his dad under false pretense and concerted coverup. Or maybe I can.

  2. mikee Says:

    The existence of the poop swastika has been confirmed by extensive reporting efforts. A campus police report of its fleeting existence around 2:00am one night has been documented. No pictures are known to exist despite vigorous efforts to find any.

    The existence of the poop swastika would have remained known only to a few people had not the residence staff publicized it with fliers.

    Thanks, residence staff, for getting a poop artist the attention and publicity he or she so obviously desired. However, in future, NOT publicizing acts of vandalism might be the more productive route to take.

  3. mikee Says:

    The poopstika pictures have been released by the Mizzou campus police!

    I, for one, believe that making a Nazi symbol out of poop might just be an attempt to present a negative image of the Nazis. But that is just me.

  4. Jeff From DC Says:

    There are a lot of poop artists out there. I used to work for an Executive short-term/long-term housing company, and you would be surprised how many people liked drawing on their walls with poop.

  5. Donny Anonny Says:

    Given that conservatives don’t get abortions in the same numbers as liberals, letting the leftists abort their pregnancies and reselling the tissues and organs is, frankly, probably the best possible use for what would have otherwise been a future Democratic party voter.

  6. Burnt Toast Says:

    With BLM claiming that soooo many poor folks being gunned down, you’d think they’d find better examples to rally behind than Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin.

  7. Lyle Says:

    One of the more tenuous lies, often repeated by people who should know better;
    If you go far enough to the right in your ideology, you get to Fascism and the KKK.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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