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Hillary to turn over server

After having it for months after it was discovered. I’m sure it’s not been scrubbed at all.

11 Responses to “Hillary to turn over server”

  1. Ratus Says:

    Nope, no scrubbing here.

  2. Huck Says:

    Awesome Ratus!

    What’s the link to that? The one I found on Youtube dos’nt do anything.

  3. rickn8or Says:

    Well, that didn’t take long…

  4. Ratus Says:

  5. mikee Says:

    While going full Godwin is fun, I prefer to use the more sophisticated North Korean / Manchurian approach:

    “Hillary Clinton is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.”

    This is best served with the rest of Frank Sinatra’s analysis:

    “And even now I feel that way, this minute. And yet, somewhere in the back of my mind, something tells me it’s not true. It’s just not true. It isn’t as if Hillary’s hard to like. She’s impossible to like! In fact, she’s probably one of the most repulsive human beings I’ve ever known in my whole– all of my life.”

  6. Huck Says:

    Thanks Ratus!

  7. Ratus Says:

    Mikee, I didn’t make it, I just thought it was funny.

  8. mikee Says:

    Yes, yes it was funny. As is Hillary. I hope, when Colbert starts his new show, he realizes the gold mine of straight-faced humor he has available in her continued campaign.

  9. Firehand Says:

    So the EffingBI finally gets the server, and- SURPRISE!= it’s blank. And the company that’s been holding it says
    “The information had been migrated over to a different server for purposes of transition,” said Wells. The transfer was carried out in June 2013, she told The Post.
    So, the illegal server and the classified stuff on it was handed over to a private company(want to bet they’re not in any way cleared to hold the data?), who wiped it after ‘migrating’ it all to another server…

    And the EffingBI isn’t kicking the doors in and seizing this other server, why?

  10. Ted N Says:


    Because laws are for little people.

  11. Standard Mischief Says:

    I think she or her lawyers disclosed months ago that she deleted all her personal emails (yoga, wedding. blah blah) and *then* took the extra step to “wipe” the server.

    So yea, no metadata. Unless she’s been sloppy. Recall that she’s evil, not stupid. The only thing she could have done better is physical destruction.

    There’s baggage aplenty for wiping the hard drives, but even more so for physical destruction.

    Remember, Obama’s DoJ has zero interest in prosecuting the Democratic front runner, even if found with dead babies in the trunk and bloody hand-prints all over the vehicle.

    Just in case anyones wants to clean their credit card number off their hard drive before disposal, I recommend and use DBAN. It’s included in the

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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