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100th verse same as the first

The Schumers Need to Rework Their Tired Gun Control Routine

2 Responses to “100th verse same as the first”

  1. Lyle Says:

    I think it’s fairly clever. With enough talk about criminals passing background checks and then going on shooting rampages, they’ll have many of us in the “pro gun” camp demanding what the Progressives have wanted all along; total, national information gathering and universal background checks.

    If I had to bet, I’d say it’ll work. I’ve already heard some of you barking for an improved background check system. Don’t underestimate the “idiots” on the left. They’ve been successfully pulling our strings for over 100 years. Why stop now?

  2. Ron W Says:

    How would a universal background check be enforced? It seems that the 4th and 5th Amendments would have to be violated,something so called liberals have always opposed and the Miranda decision upheld. But then, many of them have long since morphed into authoritarian leftists who are quite willing to discriminate against certain rights.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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