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The internet of things

Blogging sure ain’t what it used to be.

In the last few years, the Al Gore’s internets have sure changed. It’s now, mostly, social media and clickbait bullshit. I’m OK with the former. But the latter rots your brain and, in all likelihood, is where the majority of Americans get their “news”. And it’s perpetuated by social media. Of course, it makes sense now. I mean the local news for years was the TeeVee equivalent of clickbait: Something in your water can kill you. News at 11. Then, you know, you watched it and it turned out not to be true. And that’s pretty much exactly how clickbait bullshit works. Misleading headline and sensationalism. I guess the business model works.

Bloggers are quitting. And slowing down. And quitting and then showing back up. And then check out this guy. All he does is link to shit and doesn’t write anymore. He used to link cool stuff and also write some stuff.

I’m not quitting. But out put will be irregular. And, for the next few days, maybe not at all. Seems my blogging PC won’t charge anymore. Waiting on a part.

9 Responses to “The internet of things”

  1. Phelps Says:

    In all fairness, that last guy was always a link guy. And that’s not a bad thing — I post like Hillary has good ideas, and that asshole links like all of them. But lets not fool ourselves.

    Things are shaking out to be normal. We are all lucky if we have ONE good idea in our lifetime that 19 other guys haven’t already figured out and we just don’t know it. The fact that I’ve had like four Instalanches and thirty Uncleanches means that I’m easily in the top 0.1% of the population, because most people are fucking dunces.

  2. nk Says:

    Like whatever, Uncle. As far as I’m concerned, there are only two comment sections on the internet worth a hoot, yours and Patterico’s. And I give this one the edge on civility and a couple of other things. Maybe if you posted more dog pics? Everybody likes dogs.

  3. Anon Says:

    Stick around, please. I like the free ice cream. I admit it. I also chase your links and adverts.

    I know what it’s like to get burnt (though not from blogging – I did more of the live action stuff talking to people). I found balance.

    Links are good. Don’t knock the value of the high signal to noise ratio you deliver. It’s helpful to all of us.

    Thanks again for what you do.

  4. Beaumont Says:

    Ditto the above.

  5. Lyle Says:

    As long as people are in such a state that they fall for stupid clickbait, which is so obviously stupid clickbait, they’ll keep making stupid clickbait. Supply and demand.

  6. Kevin Baker Says:

    This year is the 10th anniversary for the Gun Blogger Rendezvous.

    I get the feeling it may be the last.

  7. NotClauswitz Says:

    What Kevin said. C’mon out west for one last hoot and holler! Since the move and the carry-permit, I blog about more different stuff than guns anymore though.

  8. dustydog Says:

    Makes sense. Guns should not a lifestyle or obsession. Guns are a tool. Tools shouldn’t be interesting enough to sustain multiple daily blogs. When I’m busy, guns mostly leave me alone.

    I’d be much happier if politics left me alone too. I would much prefer that politics not be interesting.

  9. Jerry Says:

    At least I’m consistent. I used to suck at it. Pretty much still do. Blogging, that is.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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