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No fighting in the war room

Justaguy in comments gives me something to ponder:

To all of those that condone that “not on my team” idiolatry (sp? because its not actually even a word)

I have always found it slightly enraging to see the foolish continue to be foolish.

Out of one side of your heads you scream “why can’t we win the way liberals do” and then on the other side of your head you scream “this guy is not at conservative / normal / L33T as me.”

This inherent arrogance and silly myopia is WHY you can’t win. You’re so busy living on your self built pedestal that you can’t seem to all understand that movement happen in groups, groups of all kinds.

Liberals have learned long ago the secret to wining in masses:

1) Ignore your fringe, but do not disenfranchise them. (read faragon, team sharon, your local commie)

2) Never apologize but never accept, employ a healthy amount of cognitive dissidence.

3) If all else fails, give lame excuse for them and then focus on your opponents less savory folks. (e.i. “well sure he is a bit wacky but his hearts in the right place and besides look at that guy you have on your side who is a criminal, at least this guy isn’t a felon”)

4) Push the mainstream message, drive the more extreme agenda…. (i.e. “we don’t want to ban guns we just want to ban your guns” “we don’t want to regulate the internet, we just want to make sure that your internet is free of evil with “”neutrality”” then turn around and ban guns and regulate the internet like its a “wireless service”… read tax the hell out of it and sell blocks of near limitless ipv6 space for billions

If you want to win, play by the same rules. This isn’t a friendly competition, these folks are the KKK of gun rights, THEY WILL put a burning cross in your front yard…. and by burning cross i mean SWAT teams that will come and shoot your dog because you new rifle has heatshield wrapped around the barrel.

11 Responses to “No fighting in the war room”

  1. dustydog Says:

    Every senator, every representative, has a detailed demographic breakdown he is appealing to. He wants to capture at least a comfortable 52% of the voting block, and prefers 60%. He is willing to alienate 40% of the voting block to get those 60%, and he is willing to alienate 100% of the non-voting non-donating demographic.

    Conservatives fall behind, because they want one consistent, integrated, holistic message for all audiences, whereas liberal politicians are quicker to tailor different messages for different audiences, and opposing messages as needed to bundle up natural enemies into an alliance.

  2. Steven Marshall Says:

    The biggest issue we’re currently facing with these republicans and “conservatives” is that they have no backbone to continue pushing the messages they ran on. The congress is full of show votes with no teeth and no action. The leadership isn’t willing to stand up to the one branch still in liberal control and will instead bend over and accept whatever Obama and the liberals want while show voting for the base/conservatives saying “hey we tried… it just didn’t seem to work this time.”

  3. DocMerlin Says:

    Steven Marshall, no you are wrong. The problem isn’t that they are spineless, it is that they really aren’t that into your philosophy. Look at the senate, Ted Cruz doesn’t even think Lochner was decided correctly… seriously, the *average* conservative and libertarian activist is way, way, way farther out than almost anyone in the legislature.

  4. Don Says:

    We keep trying to elect a moderate who has to switch gears late in the race(when the more liberal side is paying attention) to pay lip-service to the more conservative base. This never works.

    It is much better to sell the actual conservative or libertarian message from the beginning and actually make it sound appealing. We spend way too much time worrying about ‘electability’ rather than sounding like a person who has some integrity and will actually do what he says.

    Reagan never backed off of conservatism in the campaign and sold it with optimism(It’s morning in America.”). The left talked about what a right-wing nut he was, but it didn’t stick. Obama was correctly described as the most liberal member of the senate, but managed to get elected by talking hope and change. Neither had to convince their base where they stood. A candidate that is spending any time doing that late in the race is LOSING…and even if they win, they are usually only paying lip-service to the base.

  5. JTC Says:

    The left has the nigh-entirety of the media and entertainment industries to push the lib message and squash the conservative one, and its figureheads.

    Someone said it’s necessary to “sell” the message, and with the unmitigated adoration of the above, BO needed just a bit of charm and charisma to have them lapping and clapping and selling the non-message of hopey-changey to sheep who just wanted to feel good.

    So the salesmanship, charm, and charisma of anyone with a true conservative message has to be awesome and mesmerizing…and in my voting lifetime, there’s only been one who fit the bill with solid unwavering positions and the above-mentioned attributes to get it across *in spite of* the infotainment industries that BO and his ilk have at their beck and call,. and you don’t have to use much imagination to know who that was. Someone said during the first BO election cycle that they would vote for Ronnie’s cold rotted corpse before anything now on the stage…it was true then and it’s true now. So anybody with any chance of sitting in the big chair has to get there in spite of the media machine…there are, and have been in past cycles, some folks with solid ideas and positions, and we ended up with McCain and Romney…we didn’t choose those namby pamby milquetoast RINO’s, the media did. And they’ll do it again if they can, and if we help them do it.

    Which brings us back to the post/quote: that’s BS. Just because libs can and do play dirty and even stupid, if the peeps don’t hear it, it didn’t happen. Take the reporting on the OCTC nitwits; the liberal media machine eats that shit up and gets it out there causing anyone paying half attention to start thinking, “wtf are those crazy gun nuts on about with these wild threats?” Compare that to the criminal activity, lies, and threatening tone of anything coming from Bloomtown, maig, and the mommy brigade -but I repeat myself-. Ever hear any of that anywhere but on the blogs and boards? No? Well, that’s why we have to be better than them, not copy them and their tactics. And these OCTC wackjobs are. not. helping. Call that internecine warfare if you want, but it’s the truth that there is more damage being done, and more gains being lost due to their activity than any anti group has been able to achieve. So I guess if want want another D in R clothing, we should keep helping the lib media machine and providing the ammunition as it were, for them to shoot down any candidate with a brain, a backbone, and an appreciation for our Constitutional rights.

  6. Don Says:

    …but the media did not choose McCain and Romney, the Republican party did.

  7. JTC Says:

    Don, you miss the point entirely. The media did choose the RINO’s, by process of elimination. And they’ll do it again; they don’t determine who gets nominated, just who doesn’t, with a little help from the wingtip and wingnut factions on “our” side.

  8. Don Says:

    My apologies. I did not intend to abuse the courtesy of our host and simply gainsay what JTC said. I do understand that JTC thinks that the media eliminates candidates, but I remember how very nasty they were to Reagan even early on, nevertheless it was the message, not the candidate that won the day. Wasn’t it Reagan himself who said that he was not the Great Communicator, but that he communicated great things. If we do not sell the ideas themselves, the change we would like to see will never happen. I think that we are too focused on personalities and not focused enough on ideas. We have to win the battle of ideas, no matter how strong the opposition to them in the media.

    It has been said many times that we cannot vote our way out of this, but we owe it to those who gave us this system to give it our greatest effort.

  9. JTC Says:

    “What we have here is…”

  10. Justaguy Says:

    ” Just because libs can and do play dirty and even stupid, if the peeps don’t hear it, it didn’t happen.”

    OH god not “the liberal media” OMG ROFLWORRY line.

    Lets take a good look at the media…

    First off have you been watching CNN …. really ok so now they have 2 viewers.

    Fox News has been and IS #1 in the US … with a LARGE MAJORITY

    Talk radio – in one of the MOST LIBERAL parts of the US we have 5 COUNT THEM FIVE conservative radio stations.

    2 – liberal talk radio station IF you count NPR

    Quick name me a liberal talk radio host ….


    …. stop googling for it.

    Now Name me 5 conservative radio host. …. didn’t take long at all did it?

    Oh but that not statistics thats just observation …

    OK Statistics…

    all the other channels put together only slightly equal fox news

    How about talk radio?

    BAM !!!

    So where is all of this liberal news coming from?

    The daily show

    kidding of course, frankly….

    they don’t….

    Seriously, most liberals get their news from peers…. literally most liberals are vastly uniformed.

    Why? Because the left has cultivated their brand as

    … wait for it ….


    and they have used some peoples in our own side to further the ideal that we are not.


    See people don’t want to think of themselves as being on the side that excludes folks, personally I don’t particularly like OCTC’s message, even if I can see he has some valid points. HOWEVER I follow the previously suggested methodology to show that I am understanding of his goals while not condoning his actions. And hey its still better than some Black Panthers running around with guns and bats at a poll station (see what I did there)

    I know I know some of you are thinking “screw this politicking bullshit”

    I agree, stop doing it … you suck at it.

  11. JTC Says:

    “…yada yada yada they have used some peoples in our own side to further (their) ideal yada yada yada…”

    “they” (def.), liberal strategists, infotainers, politicos with a (D) after their name.

    “used some peoples in our side” (def.), aforementioned wingtips, wingnuts, OCTC, apologists.

    “to further (their) ideal” (def.), McCain vs. Obama = Pres. Obama, Romney vs. Obama = Pres. Obama v2.

    “screw this politicking bullshit, stop, you suck”

    Yes, please do. Pres. Hillz may already be a foregone conclusion without “our own side” putting/allowing RINO v3 on the R ticket. Please stop drinking the COEXIST Koolaid and helping it happen.

    I’m old and before I shuffle off, for my kids/grandkids sake I would dearly love to see some light at the end of this long dark tunnel that doesn’t turn out to be (another) runaway socialist train.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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