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The least frightening thing in this video is the meth

So, yesterday while watching a couple of college football teams choke, I saw this commercial twice:

WTF? Ninjad up police getting their SWAT raid on and abducting a small child. The judge is creepy. I think I’d rather we had meth than that.

21 Responses to “The least frightening thing in this video is the meth”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    The good news is that you can’t get any effective decongestants anymore….

  2. divemedic Says:

    The cops raid the 20 year old female meth head’s house dressed like an infantry squad in a Mark Wahlberg movie, but will stand outside and negotiate when the person is capable of fighting back.

  3. JTC Says:

    “I think I’d rather we had meth…”

    Yes, but the overriding point is that legalizing pot and decriminalizing the use of pharmaceuticals would eliminate this and all of the psuedos.

    So if you wanted to OD, at least you could do it with the good stuff, and ninjas wouldn’t be busting in your door, shooting your dog, and kidnapping your kids…of course the child welfare dept. probably has their own para-mil squad.

  4. blounttruth Says:

    But, but, but, if we legalize pot, people will smoke pot… OMG the travesty!

  5. Jim Brack Says:

    Maybe a little over the top on “abducting a small child. The judge is creepy.” I would hardly call that an abduction but much more like a rescue. The judge is meant to look stern in this commercial.

    Having lived first hand with addicts, I have zero tolerance for any of them. Children should be removed and not returned until the parents have been proven clean for more than a year.

    The fact that the cops are dressed as scary ninjas is a different issue.

  6. Huck Says:

    “The fact that the cops are dressed as scary ninjas is a different issue.”

    Yeah, what ever happened to cops looking like… Cops!

  7. JKB Says:

    Yeah, what ever happened to cops looking like… Cops!

    I think, ironically, it is because of the show, ‘Cops’.

  8. nk Says:

    The PSA was meant to scare. Ninjas taking your kids was intended to be scary. I suppose it could have shown a prison shower with a dozen bull dykes with broken off broomsticks. That would likely be more effective. The thing is, if these lowlifes cared about their kids, or anybody else’s, they wouldn’t be cooking meth in the first place.

    I never saw the attraction of “Breaking Bad”. Drugs are not romantic. Drug dealers are not romantic. They’re a variant of pimp. They peddle misery, debasement, and degradation. And they smell bad too.

  9. Gerry Says:

    Tweekers don’t worry about their kids till they are clean. Go to any burn units and see the number of adults and kids there burned from labs gone bad.

    +1 you don’t need a SWAT unit to bust a junkie.

  10. Steve Says:

    I don’t have a problem with this commercial except that I agree that it’s probably ineffective against people who don’t care enough about their kids’ welfare not to cook meth around them. And I would imagine that addict parents are well aware that their actions could cost them custody of their kids, if they’re capable of being aware of anything. They’ve already chosen the drug over the kids.

  11. JTC Says:

    Again, cause and effect.

    If there was no demand for this poison, there would be no need to cook it, distribute it, and use it, laying waste to the lives innocent children who are exposed to it, innocent citizens who are victimized to pay for it, and the sometimes innocent users themselves who are victimized by their own mental issues, weakness and despair.

    Oh, the mentally ill, the weak and the desperate will still self-medicate, at the bottom of a bottle, or with the misuse of pharmaceuticals, but with decriminalization they would be much more apt to seek treatment and much less apt to rob others to pay for what they need, and certainly their children would be less at risk and more likely to get help themselves if it didn’t mean their parents would be locked up…and absolutely the drug&thug cartels would be out of business, along with quite a few prisons, jails, judges, courts, and cops. And that is why, in spite of the logic and the proof in some coutries that decriminalizing dope works, it will never happen here.

    Drug enforcement, and the enforcement of most victimless crimes, is all about the money and power, power and money. Always, always follow the money.

  12. Garibaldi Says:

    I’ve read anti sites and I think the people there are more than a little crazy. Then I read posts like this one and I think you gun nuts are more than a little crazy too.

    There’s nothing wrong with this video. As has been pointed out, it’s meant to be scary. The police are just trying to rescue a child from a dangerous situation. They have no idea what they might run into and have to be prepared. The judge is just trying to shock the mother into realizing she just hit rock bottom and needs to seek help.

    Saying “meth is the least scary thing in the video” is downright asinine. It makes me a little ashamed to be a gun owner myself and be associated with this nonsense.

    The antis hate me when I post on their sites. Sometimes you gun nuts hate me too. I guess that means that I probably am doing it right.

  13. KM Says:

    Garibaldi, by all means do give yourself some credit.

    A guy who owns a gun and has a blog states an opinion and you’re associated with this nonsense?

  14. DocMerlin Says:

    I am ashamed of being associated with people like Garibaldi, who are ok with kidnappers so long as they wear the right uniform.

  15. Crunkomatic Says:

    Garibaldi, you should feel ashamed for not realizing that those ninjas are only a tiny step away from coming after you, and they’re itching to do so.

  16. Jim Brack Says:

    Let me clean up Garibaldi’s comments by deleting the offending parts and just leaving the correct parts:

    “There’s nothing wrong with this video. As has been pointed out, it’s meant to be scary. The police are just trying to rescue a child from a dangerous situation. They have no idea what they might run into and have to be prepared. The judge is just trying to shock the mother into realizing she just hit rock bottom and needs to seek help. Saying “meth is the least scary thing in the video” is downright asinine.”

    And for those of you who consider the police (yes, dressed as ninjas) kidnapping the child in question, you need your fucking heads examined.

  17. SayUncle Says:

    The issue with the video is less about police tactics and more about how an advertising group portrays police tactics. Same scenario but goes like this:

    knock on door
    answers door
    Mrs. Smith, we have a warrant to search the premises.
    Officer nice guy comforts the kid

    But the ad agency went ninja.

  18. JTC Says:

    Jim Brack, let me clean up your comments by just leaving the correct parts:


    There ain’t any. Because you seem to innocently believe that various divisions of the same .gov that created the meth epidemic can somehow solve its deleterious effects.

    Prohibition made good booze illegal, and in the process created a profitable enterprise for Bo and Luke in Hooterville and a whole industry for Guido and Lefty in Chicago; it was the veritable birth of organized crime. Substitute the war on drugs for the war on booze booze, white trash cooking cold medicine and Drano for Grandpa cooking corn squeezin’s, Mexican cartels for the mob, and we have learned absolutely nothing in 90 years.

    And my friend, if you seriously believe that military attack squads, child “protective” services, and the court and penal systems as practiced here are the correct and effective methods to deal with drug use? Then I am absolutely sure that you have never been next door to such a randomly dangerous attack, seen what actually happens to children who become wards of the state, or have any understanding at all of the realities of the swirling, teeming, anonymous cesspool that the court process and jail system is for drug abusers.

    Do I know what the answer is? No. But I know what it isn’t, and that’s everything that you champion in your remarks, and everything that is currently being done by .gov…same as it ever was.

  19. Jim Brack Says:

    1. I am not your friend.
    2. I don’t care who started the various additons, booze, drugs, gambling or what not.
    3. I believe that the child “protective” services are much better for the child’s safety. Is it perfect, no shit happens. But the child has a greater chance of survival, in the system, than being at home with good old mom and dad.
    4. I came from a family of addicts, as a kid I would have gladly taken a ninja cop over good old dad any fucking day of the week

  20. JTC Says:

    That’s one of the saddest sets of bullet points I’ve ever seen. Sorry, friend. Er, I mean “dude”.

  21. y0te Says:

    “You’re facing 20 years in prison.”

    Yeah, because that will fix the problem..

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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