Archive for December, 2014

December 19, 2014

Make your own splatter targets

Pretty neat.

December 18, 2014

Tuckable holsters suck

So says Lucas. They are a pain to set up but I’ve carried that way before with no problems.

George Zimmerman Speaks

Mas alerts us he appeared Armed America Radio.

Things that will get you killed in America

Watering your lawn.

Not paying taxes.


A man walked right past a Buffalo Wild Wings “no guns” sign and robbed the place with a gun.

First centerfire rifle

JT has his. Tam has hers.

Mine was a crappy Olympic Arms AR-15. It had an 11 inch barrel and one of those ridiculously long flash hiders on it that brought it up to 16 inches.

Bombing movies

Apparently, it’s a thing with the NORKs and unions.

Why stop at the manufacturer?

Because of symbolism. No one is suing the makers of the car he drove or the shoes he wore.

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Fantasizing about shooting Wayne LaPierre.

The AP explains “stand your ground” laws

Well, tries to. They fail miserably on most points. “journalism”

Who don’t?

DOD wants bullet that can change direction after being fired

In Australia

Shockingly, Mr. Sudden Jihad Syndrome got his illegal gun illegally.

One Australian says lift bans and let the people defend themselves.

Gun Porn

New Beretta


Pedersen Device for M1903

December 17, 2014

Constructive possession

A man who can’t use his arms was in a car with others. The police pulled them over. The police found a gun in the car. And are charging the man who can’t use his arms with possession.

Define high-powered?

Should Indiana deer hunters be allowed to use high-powered rifles? I was rather surprised by what was banned. Other states allow those calibers without issue.

American state legislators for gun violence prevention

Mentioned them before. And the plot chickens:

But the coalition has one major problem – they will not let anyone know who they are.

ASLGVP boasts having 200 members from all 50 states but the group will not release a list of their membership, due to a fear of “political backlash.” So, outside of the eight members that participated in the inaugural press conference, no one knows who is or is not a member of this group. We are not witnessing a “Profiles in Courage” moment here.

Dirks and police batons protected by the second amendment

So rules the CT supreme court.

Why is support for guns rising in US as crime falls?

That’s a tough one. The BBC wants to know.

Via email from Rolf.

Myths about the NRA

A good reminder

WA Sheriff won’t enforce I594

Saying the law is too vague to enforce.

Please, no

Who really wants another Bush? Or a Clinton for that matter.

Paper protection

Is no protection.

Gun Porn

La Femme Pavona

The baby eagle coming back

December 16, 2014

Seen on the local facebook gun page

Ok, then:


There’s an SKS in there somewhere.

Paper and plastic

Looks like some guy walked right through a restraining order and, thankfully, got shot.

Gay Marriage in TN

Looks like the TN AG is fighting against it. Odd that you can read that whole story and they don’t name the AG.

Pronouncing gun names

A video. I’ve only been pronouncing Garand wrong:

Chief nanny

The anti-gun surgeon general nominee got the gig.

The Estrogen Rifle

Spike’s Tactical designs an AR for women.

Rather like most leftist policies

Why Gun-Control Advocates Lie about Guns

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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