Archive for September, 2014

September 23, 2014

Equal treatment under the law

Gun control advocate who “forgot” he was strapped gets a light sentence.

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Name a gun after Obama, that’s a hissy fit and a threat

Full auto pistol

Grand Power K105 & K102:

We saw this after the Boston Marathon bombing too

Suspending the fourth amendment in PA:

Heavily armed state troopers guarded an entrance into a neighborhood or area where they believe 31-year-old suspected cop killer Eric Frein may be hiding.

Police are checking every vehicle leaving. Local residents still have not been able to get back into their homes since last night, with some sleeping in shelters, others in their cars as it appears police are hot on Frein’s track but still haven’t got him.

Fuck that.

Everybody has a SWAT team

FL police use SWAT team to check barber’s license


Court refuses stay on court order. So, they passed a bill. Trouble is, it doesn’t comply with the court order and says folks have to need a reason. Guessing they copied and pasted MD’s gun laws.

I’ve thought about doing this before

Googling up when reporters are arrested for domestic violence. Someone could easily google up journalists convicted of tax crimes or other crimes their industry routinely targets.

Do want

M&P9 from the S&W Performance Center

But gun control will work

Improvised revolvers

Gun Porn

I have no use for it but it looks pretty snazzy.

LCR in 9mm. Other than I have a bunch of 9mm ammo, still lacking a use for it.

GM22 suppressor. I have use for it.

September 22, 2014

Bleg: generators

Need one for work stuff and emergency use. Prefer one that is powered by diesel. What say you?

Lying about the other guy

It’s kind of funny that The Brady Campaign To Cling To Relevancy tries to take credit for the NSSF’s program so it can claim a success.

Politics is local

A sheriff who says he’ll defend his constituents right to bear arms.

Google trends and gun control

Joe has a look. The anti-gun folks have to dance in the blood of the dead to get traction.

Gun Porn

Never seen that before.

Or this.

September 21, 2014

Race hustlers noticeably absent

When four black gang members excecuted a 9 year old

Gun control group holding vigil for convicted felon?

From a marketing standpoint, they should pick more upstanding blood to dance in.

New radar gun detects when drivers are texting

Or, you know, when other passengers in the vehicle are.

Why guns?

Well, why not?

Hope for down under

A terror plot awakens folks to gun rights

They’ve been doing this for years

ATF using onerous regs to shut down gun dealers? Even those with a 99.9% rate of filling out paper work correctly.

Gordon Ball gets F rating from NRA

We were just talking about him. NRA is not a fan:

In the news release, NRA-PVF cites comments Ball was quoted making to Knoxviews, a blog the gun-rights group described as “progressive citizen media for East Tennessee.”

The NRA says Ball “publicly endorsed Bloomberg’s overreaching and intrusive so-called ‘universal’ background check system that would require federal government approval for transferring firearms between lifelong friends and many family members. Ball also stated he supports more restrictions on magazines and commonly used semi-automatic firearms.”

Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA-PVF, charged that “on the issue of gun control, there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between Michael Bloomberg, Barack Obama and Gordon Ball. Gordon Ball is the kind of candidate who will say he supports the Second Amendment just to win an election, but if elected, will be a reliable vote for the Obama-Bloomberg gun control agenda.”

In the interview posted on the Knoxviews website, Ball said, “with obvious exceptions, I support the right of every American to own a gun to protect themselves and their families. However, we have to use common sense. We can’t forget the tragedies of Columbine, Newtown, and Fort Hood. Polls show that nearly 90% of Americans support a strong system of background checks for gun purchases.

Anyone who parrots the 90% line is definitely not on the side of good.

Photographing the sound of a gun shot

What does sound look like?

Obviously, compensating for the size of her penis

Mom uses shotgun she got for Mothers Day to shoot intruder in the butt:

“[I cocked the gun], saw that the door had broke down, then I saw him hitting over the fence and head to the creek,” Kouba said.

Kouba said she fired and thinks she hit him in his backside. Adding insult to injury, the intruder got tangled in her electric fence before escaping.

“[The police] didn’t get him but, you know, I’m sure he’s going to end up in the hospital somewhere. I mean, he’s got buckshot in his butt, I’m sure he’s going to,” she said.

Hope the local laws are forgiving regarding shooting someone running away.

Not surprising

Action movie star who shoots people on screen comes out against guns

Gun Porn

.32 Hand Ejector Model of 1896

Unique ARs

Skeletonized AR lower

September 20, 2014

Just saw an NRA ad on TeeVee

While watching some college football, I saw their commercial for Meet Bloomberg.

September 18, 2014

Mayors Against Guns: Let’s ban accurate rifles

Because two bit criminals are going to dump several thousand dollars on a TrackingPoint:

David Chipman, a spokesman for Mayors Against Illegal Guns which lobbies for an expansion of background checks for people buying guns, said the PGF “is not your grandfather’s hunting rifle used for sport and recreation this is a weapon designed to kill with precision.”

“This technology potentially enables any two bit criminal to operate with the skills of a highly trained sniper,” Chipman said.

About that giving up on the AWB thing

Dave Kopel: New Anti-Gun Strategies

Things I didn’t know I needed

AR-15 drink can launcher

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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