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Politics is local

A sheriff who says he’ll defend his constituents right to bear arms.

3 Responses to “Politics is local”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    As I like to remind some of our “Civically-Challenged” fellow Citizens, in most places, Sheriffs are ELECTED, while Police Chiefs are APPOINTED. Which means that there is a Tendency for most Sheriffs to be more concerned about the Citizens they are working for, than a Police Chief who know that if he/she wants to keep their job, the Chief has to keep their Mayors and other “Political Elites” happy.

    Which explains why Sheriffs in “VolksRepubliks” across the Nation are speaking out AGAINST “Gun Control,” while Police Chiefs in places like NYC, San Fran and Chicago tend to be “Pro-Gun Control.”

  2. weapndmann Says:

  3. Lyle Says:

    Note that it is now news when a LEO says he’ll actually do his job.

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