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Petty reprisal

Illinois AG is fighting having to reimburse Alan Gura for his tips when he traveled there to stop her violation of constitutional rights.

5 Responses to “Petty reprisal”

  1. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    Wrong link?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    d’oh. fixed.

  3. Yep Says:

    The more tax payer money Madigan has to give to Gura, the less money there is for her and her Dem buddies to skim off the top. They aren’t complaining because they are on the side of the taxpayer. Otherwise they wouldn’t have put in place a 6% state income tax and 8.25% sales tax.

  4. CaptDMO Says:

    Um, NO!
    If it’s all about tips, which it’s NOT by reading the piece, Tips are a personal gratuity. They are charity.
    Sorry, if living your “lifestyle” isn’t covered by the fees you deem (para) in line with standard practice fees for such things”, you can certainly take the bus to buy food, and “prepare it” yourself.
    OR, call it a performance bonus, a la inadequately/criminally functioning gub’mint employee “management” appointee.

  5. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Well, when you live somewhere like that, your rights are going to cost you one way or another, whether you have to pay your betters to fight against them, or pay them to avoid paying the guys that protect them.

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