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I have my doubts

Story implies that a holstered gun went off and shot officer friendly in the leg.

9 Responses to “I have my doubts”

  1. Dave Says:


  2. Tam Says:

    Yeah… I’m kinda skeptical on that one.

  3. Phelps Says:

    I don’t doubt that they have a dozen cops ready to swear that they saw it happen that way in court.

  4. KM Says:

    Details of what the man was doing at the time that caused the gun to discharge while driving have not been released.

    I’m guessing that ‘something’ kinda like, almost similar to, “pulling the trigger”.

  5. Mike V. Says:

    If you’re not messing with, it won’t go off.

  6. Paul Kisling Says:

    Probably tried to put his duty belt on while in the seated position.

  7. bogie Says:

    Most likely got lazy and didn’t want to take the belt/holster off. Started to take the gun out of the holster, put his finger on the bang switch when it was part way out. gun got caught up (because he was seated and didn’t have room to pull his arm back, and he pulled his finger to get a “better grip”. voila – hole in leg.

    However, I’m sure Phelps is right on the witnesses.

  8. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Sgt Rich Weiner, heh heh. Safety or not, no modern firearms I’m aware of will discharge without some involvement of the trigger. I don’t even use the thumb safety on a 1911 unless I’m taking it out intending not to fire it and there’s any prospect of some dumbass fondling it. I’ve been yelled at, but seriously, the 1910 didn’t even have a thumb safety; it was added for some nervous cavalry types, and they traded their horses in for helos and mech a long time ago.

  9. Critter Says:

    Stop touching it!!!

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