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First they came for …

Indeed. As someone who coined the phrase “First, they came for the sex offenders“, I think so. People have wanted to do put gun criminals and other groups in registries.

One Response to “First they came for …”

  1. mikee Says:

    Well, now it is really annoying because nobody can tell what registry they are on, because we don’t know what all data is being collected, collated, correlated and constipated into lists with our names attached, by our local, state and federal governments, not to mention our Facebook overlords, torrent download lawyers, Amazon sales analysts and so on and so on.

    If I’m gonna be listed and tracked, at least let me know about it so I can game the system by online-ordering a dozen subscriptions to Cosmopolitan magazine and a dozen Bibles at the same time on Amazon.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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