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@SenDougOverbey votes against gun rights. Again.

The revised guns in parks bill has passed the senate. And Doug Overbey with his “effective, conservative leadership” has once again voted against civil liberties. This guy needs to go.

And any of you guys who do the wikipedia thing should adjust his page there to reflect that.

He’s early in his second term. I’ll be working to see him gone.

6 Responses to “@SenDougOverbey votes against gun rights. Again.”

  1. Adam Lawson Says:

    What a tool. Meanwhile, elsewhere, Nikki Haley is supporting no-permit concealed carry.

    If only MY governor would take that position…

  2. joe in houston Says:

    The page has a comment and citation about him being antigun

  3. chris Says:

    Doug Overbey is the worst GOP member of the Senate.

    He is a very progressive Democrat (like Bloomberg truly is) who runs as GOP only because he resides in a strongly GOP district.

    He is absolutely awful on almost every issue.

    The Tn GOP resembles the national GOP in that it has a lot of RINOs, but it is slowly but surely becoming more conservative and libertarian.

    Like the national GOP, it has a long way to go and a lot of RINOs to expel, a process which resembles passing a kidney stone, but I nonetheless have hope that both organizations will one day get rid of (or completely marginalize) their progressive rot.

    When or if the GOP ever resembles my convictions and core beliefs, I may me attracted to it, but that is far from the present case and Doug Overbey is emblamatic of the current GOP.

    Had I voted in the 2012 elections (that I missed due to a death in the immediate family), I would not have voted for Romney or Corker.

    Nor will I vote for Lamar Alexander this November.

    The GOP left me, I didn’t leave it.

  4. Ron W Says:

    Our State officials take an oath to the U.S. and Tennessee Constitutions. According to Article I, Section 26 of the State Constitution, the Declaration of Rights, the people of this State have a right to keep AND BEAR (which means carry) arms for their common defense. In the same section, the Legislature only has power to regulate the WEARING of arms (how you carry) “with a view to prevent crime”. So according to their oaths of office, all State officials MUST support the citizens’ right to carry arms, and that without restriction.

  5. Ron W Says:

    Well-said, Chris! I vote for Republicans or Democrats ONLY IF they support the objective wording and keep their oath to the U.S. and State Constitutions. In the matter of rights which may be greater and more expansive, the States and ultimately the People are the final arbiters according to the 9th and 10th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

  6. chris Says:

    I agree on both counts, Ron.

    Ironically, the best lawyer in the state when it comes to knowledge of the Tn Constitution (as an aside, a hundred or so years ago, I only learned about it when I was preparing for the Tn bar exam) is the inimitable John Jay Hooker.

    Mr. Hooker has been running in the Dem primary for governor on and off for most of the last 40 years.

    He carries a copy of the Tn Constitution in his coat pocket and can quote it.

    He tries valiantly to safeguard our rights (supposedly) protected under it when they are under assault by the Tn Supreme Court (e.g. its nonsensical decision which provides that the “yes/no” vote to which they are subject every 8 years constitutes an election of the citizens of Tn that the Tn Constitution).

    Many people on both sides of the aisle like to cast him as a flake, while they arrive at some crappy bi-partisan public policy.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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