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Witness the military state

NORAD adds fighter jets to Santa tracker.

4 Responses to “Witness the military state”

  1. JD Says:

    Sorry folks, but the kids and I have used this site for years and they have had fighter jets (F-18) escorting Santa for a few years now. This is not new.

  2. comatus Says:

    If they really are F-18’s then things are worse than we supposed: they’re using the Canadians to cover Santa. That’s how thin we’re stretched.

    Many of us are old enough to remember how this got started (misprint in a Sears ad, wrong number, and Col Harry Shoup at The World’s Greatest Desk ran with it), and, like a Stan Freberg ad, how much better the verisimilitude was on black & white radio.

    Hard to relate today how unrelentingly grim the Cold War was, what with all the peace and prosperity the professors say that White Privilege conferred. Harder yet to get a sense now of how giddily joyful it felt, even for the adults, to have the front line warriors engage in this bit of childish wackiness. It’s a wonder, looking back, that Ivan didn’t take the bait.

    I’m going to miss it, I really am.

  3. AndyN Says:

    If you’re a parent and your child is looking at a web site run by the North American Aerospace Defense Command, either you’re okay with them viewing military themed material, or you need to pay a little more attention to what your impressionable little snowflake is doing on the computer.

    I love that they quoted a college professor who thinks that the military has to appeal to children because it can’t meet recruiting quotas by appealing to adults. Talk about living in a bubble.

  4. Crotalus Says:

    They had BETTER be flying ESCORT!

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