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The Glock 41

Well, if you believe Sportsmans Depot internet sale listing, the yet unreleased Glock 41 is a 13 round 45 ACP of some sort. So, what are 40 and 42? Still sticking with my hunch they’re releasing a single stack 9mm. And maybe a .380.

6 Responses to “The Glock 41”

  1. Hartley Says:

    I’m thinking they mixed up 21 and 41, seeing as a G21 is a 13-round .45

  2. jdrush Says:

    Weren’t they coming out with a G35 style 45? Or was that just conjecture I read somewhere?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    Hartley, maybe. But they have G21 listed separately.

  4. WT Says:

    They do list the G42 on their website.–GLOCK-UI4250201.html

  5. Critter Says:

    i carry a G42. you’ve probably never heard of it.

  6. mikee Says:

    When can I get a Glock in 22LR? Maybe some kind of 30 or 50 round mag?

    Bigger bullets are more expensive!

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