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Speaking of my new AR

There’s a new gun shop in The City (My The City) called New Bern Arms. That’s where I picked up the Colt 6920. The gun came with a life time warranty from their distributor, which is a bonus. And they gave me a free sample of TacticOil. I’ll give it a shot even though I typically just use motor oil.

The shop had plenty of inventory and a lot of higher end rifles, like an ACR and others. Good stuff.

I recommend New Bern Arms and you locals should check them out.

4 Responses to “Speaking of my new AR”

  1. Old NFO Says:

    Nice! And a purty EBR too (even if it’s FDE)!

  2. John Richardson Says:

    With a name like New Bern Arms you’d think they’d be near the coast of North Carolina instead of The City (Your The City).

    Maybe they’re Swiss or something.

    Congrats on the new Colt. That’s a nice looking AR.

  3. KevinW Says:

    We at GOG appreciate the support!

  4. Chris from AK Says:

    New Bern arms? Do they also per chance manufacture windmills and mortars, and plan to invade the nearby town of Jericho?


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