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Be audit you can be

In the event I or any libertarian or conservative blogger are ever audited by the IRS, we can now claim we’re being targeted. Cool.

5 Responses to “Be audit you can be”

  1. Disavowed With Honor Says:

    Go ahead and count me in. No letter yet, but I’ve been getting calls about an issue that was resolved last year and they’re “trying” to bring it up again. I won last time. I’ll win again. If they try a third time, I believe I will sue the crap out of them.

  2. Rivrdog Says:

    We could always claim that with this Admin…

    Won’t pat the CPA or lawyer bills, though. We need a “loser pays” system with the IRS.

  3. Chris Byrne Says:


    I’ve had something similar happen. In 2010 they tried to bring up something from 2001.

    Then in 2011 they went back 10 full years and tried to claim I owed them $160k in underpayment, based on their estimation of me filing the standard deduction, being single, no house, no kids etc…

    Except of course I’m a small business owner, with a wife, a house, 3 kids…

    We theoretically resolved the issue in my favor in 2012.

    I just got two packets of crap from them that they want again…

  4. MichigammeDave Says:

    I think if I’m audited, I’ll just take the Fifth Amendment and see what happens.

  5. emdfl Says:

    I personally like the idea of using the Geithner/Rangel/Waxman claim(s) of “I didn’t know I had to pay taxes on THAT money.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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