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Guns are banned at schools. This could not have happened:

A teacher at White Elementary was arrested Monday for having a gun on the school premises, police said Tuesday.

The 31-year-old man was seen with a gun by someone at the school, 5148 S. Kansas, which is south of Hydraulic and 47th Street South, Lt. Randy Reynolds said. Principal Marcia Shepler called police about 12:30 p.m., according to a police report.

8 Responses to “Unpossible”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Well, this is interesting.

    A) So depending on how well his Union backs him up, this guy may/may not ever have a Job teaching again. But he did break the current Law, and Actions have Consequences.

    B) But at the bottom of the page, we find out that that even though the State passed a Law ALLOWING each School District the Authority to have Armed Employees on Campus, all 7 members of the Wichita School Board refuse to have that Security Measure in THEIR School District.

    C) Methinks the Good Citizens need to have a School Board “Regime Change,” before some Psycho decides “Hey! A Whole School of Little Targets! Maybe I can beat the Newtown Score!”

    Four Replacements should do it.

  2. rickn8or Says:

    Oh. It gets better. Seems the gun was unloaded.

    Hey Nagel! Not. Helping.

  3. Ron W Says:

    This is really evil in that the school board is aiding and abetting a potential mass murder by making sure that the children are advertised, unarmed victims.

  4. Lyle Says:

    They couldn’t just tell him to leave the gun home in the future– They had to go into full-on Pants Shitting Hysterics mode, DEFCON One, and call the cops.

    Hmm; you don’t suppose the teachers’ union would defend the guy by asserting his second amendment rights…..Naw. It’ll never happen.

    When I first saw the headline; “Teacher found with unloaded gun…” I figured that, yes, he should be disciplined for not having it loaded. What the hell good is an unloaded gun? That’s like having a fire extinguisher with no charge in it, or a seatbelt with no buckle.

  5. Just Saying Says:

    The kids in his classroom were safe – so we obviously COULD NOT have that since they aren’t the children of Obama or other politicians.

  6. tkdkerry Says:

    Despite this being a red state, the PSH isn’t at all surprising. Remember, this is the burg ( actually it was a suburb ) where the Secret Service was once called by a principal because a student was passing out Monopoly money. o_O All in all,I’d rather live here in Wichita than in Lawrence, our own little Moscow on the Kansas River.

  7. Dan F Says:

    Of course they called the police. Zero-tolerance demands that any response be automatically escalated to discipline.
    No effort, no thought, and an example is made.

  8. TigerStripe Says:

    If he had been an administrator he would have received a slight slap on the wrist. TS

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