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They have to lie to win

Pretty silly lie at that

4 Responses to “They have to lie to win”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    “Progressives” don’t understand rights or how they work.

    I’m sure some school systems have banned the reading of that book to little kids because wolves eating old women makes “Progressives” fill their collective (and collectivist) britches.

    But of course that isn’t an actual ban.

    Same with the “Progressives” saying that Jim Zumbo’s 1st Amendment rights were violated when all of his sponsors bailed on him because he was poisoning the well.

  2. Reno Sepulveda Says:

    Hey the M4orgery has been banned in America too. That is if CA, NJ, MASS, CN, NY,etc. still qualify as America.

  3. TS Says:

    not stocked in a school’s library is not the same as “banned in America”. Parents are obviously allowed to have that version at home, and surely the child will receive no repercussions for bringing it into school. Well… I’m not super sure given the stories of kids getting suspended for eating pizza wrong or being arrested for a pro-2a T-shirt.

  4. Crotalus Says:

    It’s racist, too. Notice that “Whitey” has the gun?

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