Archive for February, 2013

February 24, 2013

A right delayed

Is a right denied

We won’t enforce existing law because that costs money but new laws are free

Pressure Mounting on President, Attorney General Regarding Lack of Prosecutions for NICS Denials

Update on the no hesitation targets


Anti-gun rally: National Day Of Inaction

No one showed up

Gun turn in goes wrong

NRA reports that a gun turn in program disclosed the names and addresses of people who turned in guns. Also, they ran out of money and were issuing IOUs. People haven’t received those yet.

All ovens are always loaded

Who stores their glock in the oven?

Also, this: Sandy wasn’t charged because he had a proper concealed weapons permit. You need a concealed carry permit to keep a gun at a house?

Rally ’round the family

Second amendment rally in Sevierville.

Prosecutions for driving under the influence

Don’t actually require you to be under the influence

Gun Porn

Franken FAL

Octagonal barrel AR


Fostech Outdoors Bump Firing Bullpup AK

TFA opposes the guns in cars bill

And, hey, I know that guy.

February 21, 2013

Quote of the day: Me, around the house

Guess the context:

If I don’t get to ride in the clown car, I’m not paying to upgrade it.

Not feeling it

So, here’s a snowboarding ostrich. Talk amongst yourselves.

February 20, 2013

We must ban meteor showers, for the children


Comcast Bans Gun Ads

Following NBC policy. I don’t use them. Now, I never will.

NY Revolt

Counties in NY move to repeal the misnamed SAFE act

The lie they keep repeating

Fewer people own guns. I can see how you’d think that, if you were retarded. now selling guns

Here’s their shop.

Dissing the feds

TN town passes resolution saying they don’t dig new federal gun law proposals.

Chicks and guns


Universal Background Checks

McCain says the senate will go for it.

More gun companies not selling to NY law enforcement

DoubleStar/JT Distributing (my go to folks for parts) stop selling their stuff there.

Barrett stops sales. They stopped sales and service to Cali long ago.

Broken Clock

Is right some times.Roseanne Barr:

arm the women of the world-send guns and ammo everywhere-train them to make clean headshots.

Needs a pistol grip

Assault pen

Assault weapons ban will have no effect

According to the Department of Justice

Civil rights progress

Looks like keeping a gun on you property will be legal in Tennessee.


America, fuck yeah

Gun Porn


February 19, 2013

Noted Gun Expert Joe Biden: Women are too stupid to use AR-15s because they’re too complicated

Ok, then. Also, he says buy a shotgun because a double barrel is good enough. So, you’ll equip your security team with those, right?

Random Thought

It has been said (by mostly liberals, and, often enough, conservatives) that libertarians offer no solutions to problems. I think this is true.

It has been said (mostly by libertarians) that libertarians accurately predict how government solutions will fail. I know this is true.

So, it’s likely there are no solutions to some problems.

But we must do something. For the children. Or something.

No hesitation targets

This is pretty abysmal. A shoot or no shoot situation is a judgement call but I think acclimating the police to fire on pregnant women is not a good idea. Sure, some of them might be a threat but the vast, vast majority are not.

I wonder if there would be an uproar if I started selling targets that were police in uniform? It’s not a good idea and neither are those no hesitation targets.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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