Archive for January, 2013

January 27, 2013

Noted Gun Expert Carolyn McCarthy: It’s Too Hard For Women To Use AR-15s

Yes, she did. I guess she thinks the shoulder thing that goes up gets in the way.

This statement will come as news to Tasha who is using one, along with a handgun and shotgun, to shoot competitively:

AR-15 v. AK-47 Debate Settled

Right here:

Of course it does

Well, did.

DiFi’s bill exempts government officials. Also, reading the language, it’s as if she presumes guns are illegal unless they’re expressly allowed.

The gun control horse race

Assault weapons ban: Dead.

Obama campaign against gun rights kind of fizzles at the start. Well, when you don’t have grassroots, that is to be expected.

Holder begins the gun control push with regs. I wonder if any of those regs involve not sending guns to Mexican drug lords? No, they don’t. It’s just retention of NICS records for denied applicants and letting police do checks before returning guns. Seems to me these rules are ripe for a fifth amendment challenge

Senate Democrats wavering on gun control. Well, dance with who brung ya.

Decree slows in Brooklyn

Civil disobedience. NY gun owners refuse to register their guns.

What media bias

Well, the headline “look at this inert tube” isn’t as exciting.

The list of banned guns that isn’t.

Gun Porn

Big Boy

Boring AR

10MM 1911s

Presidents and their guns

January 25, 2013

It occurs to me

That, at some point, Piers Morgan will run out of people who will kick his ass in the gun debate. Maybe that’s his plan, to eventually find someone dumber than him:

Google Chrome Reduces Gun Violence

It’s true:

correlation, bitches!

Biden: Mental Giant

“Assault weapons” aren’t used in a lot of crimes so no one needs them:

But he also said that police on the street are outgunned because people have these weapons.

Or something.


Random Thought

It’s no secret that New York’s Sullivan Act (the one that set up their onerous gun controls) was entirely concocted by a syphilitic mob-tied politician to keep minorities in check. Some things never change. Their recent passage of even more onerous laws is a swipe at keeping another NY minority in check: non-liberals. These laws will accomplish nothing.

Too bad he’s not David Gregory or Diane Feinstein

In DC:

D.C. police are investigating whether a man will face criminal charges for shooting a pit bull that was attacking a child in his neighborhood.

But AR-15s aren’t needed for self defense

Except when they are.


Red/Blue and gun violence

Update: that chart is fabricated

Camping out to buy guns

It’s like concert tickets:

A new rifle shipment immediately sold out at Sportsman’s Warehouse in Albuquerque Thursday.

Some people had waited in line since Wednesday evening for the new AR-15-style rifles.

In common use

A California high school’s police department (they have police departments?) went out and bought themselves some AR-15s to prevent school shootings. But I thought that was just crazy NRA insurrectionist talk!

Magical thinking

Let’s give it a try:

Teacher accused of lewd sex acts with kids.

Teacher charged with child sex abuse

Another teacher alleged to have committed sexual abuse.

And more.

You know what we should do? Make schools “sex abuse free” zones. That will stop all of this immediately!

From a discussion with reader Steve.

Suitable for personal defense

The Department of Homeland Security says the AR-15 is good for that.

So, Senator Feinstein introduced a bill that has no way of passing

Let’s all freak out.

She went out and had a press conference on how evil auto loading rifles with pistol grips and bayonet lugs are. While doing so, she broke the law by possessing illegal items in the District of Columbia. But that doesn’t matter because she, like David Gregory, is better than you and the law does not apply to her. Her bill has only 17 co sponsors, which seems a little light in the wake of this “national conversation on guns” we’re supposedly having.

And her bill is so ridiculous it would ban most popular handguns.

NRA statement on her dog and pony show here.

Stepping Intuit

Intuit won’t process credit card transactions for gun purchases:

In the email the company wrote “Intuit does not support the services you are providing” and then the reason stated was firearms, ammunition, gun parts and accessories sales not sold in a face-to-face environment with the credit card being swiped.

I use quickbooks online to manage my corporation and my trust. Well, I did. That ends now.

There ought to be a law

Oh, wait, there already is. We must make it illegaler.

They have to lie to win

Manchin says he’s working with NRA on universal background checks. He’s lying.

Speaking of universal background checks, they won’t work and are likely unconstitutional.

And, seriously, do you think anyone giving their child or family member a gun is going to run out and do a background check?

Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show cancelled

Indefinitely. You don’t shit where you eat. Or brush yoru teeth there either because that’s also unhygienic.

An old friend returns

Publicola is blogging again!

Funny how that works

Why are Ex-Commies Pro-Gun?

What’s need got to do with it

Noted gun expert Joe Biden says you don’t need an AR-15 for defense, a shotgun will do:

He’s, of course, also wrong.

Quote of the day

Yes: Buy less guns, buy more ammunition and train, compete or hunt more often

5 Staples of the Legal System That Statistics Say Don’t Work

Number 4 and number 1 being the most egregious.

Gun Porn

M1A Scout in a Rogue bullpup stock

Mystery grenade launcher

Chiappa Triple Threat

January 23, 2013

Why are anti-gun activists so violent

And old.

Missed this when I last covered Bubba Clinton on telling Democrats they may want to chill out on guns:

“I knew I was getting older when I didn’t hit him,” Clinton said. Clinton recalls telling the NRA lobbyist, “If that’s the way you feel, you get your gun, I’ll get my gun and I’ll see you in Texas.”

So, if he wasn’t old, he’d engage in violence. No wonder he doesn’t like you armed. And, Billy Boy, just who the fuck do you think you are? You were a governor, you serve your constituents. You’re not royalty.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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